Sr. Life Agent Sets New Company Record...$74,877.72 for August!

Let me help you. The correct way to calculate this useless info is: whoever has the highest # of posts since "likes" came into play is the dominant (though not only) factor that comes into play, with "like %" second. Kinda like whoever works the most leads gets the most "yesses", with closing % second.

The date agents started would come into play only if the agents posted at the exact same rate as well as posted their 1st post on the same date.

Hope that helps you Tiki.
He was calculating likes to post ratio which does not translate to the person having the most posts having the best ratio.
You're such a negative person. I've been up here 11 years and have stood the test of time. In times past I've offered some pretty solid advice you should read all of my previous posts.

And no one forces you to read my threads/posts. Can't you put me on ignore?

I will vouch that you the past. You no longer do that. All you do is twist and turn threads so that you can make a recruitment thread out of it. No good advice from you anymore...only promotions of SL....and no, that doesn't even come close to giving good, solid advice. You have become nothing but a tool.
[QUOTE="Todd King, post: 1364960, member: 3501"]I will vouch that you the past. You no longer do that. All you do is twist and turn threads so that you can make a recruitment thread out of it. No good advice from you anymore...only promotions of SL....and no, that doesn't even come close to giving good, solid advice. You have become nothing but a tool.[/QUOTE]

Gee Todd I'm sorry. I'll try to
[QUOTE="Todd King, post: 1364960, member: 3501"]I will vouch that you the past. You no longer do that. All you do is twist and turn threads so that you can make a recruitment thread out of it. No good advice from you anymore...only promotions of SL....and no, that doesn't even come close to giving good, solid advice. You have become nothing but a tool.

Gee Todd I'm sorry. I'll try to[/QUOTE]

Yeah, right. We'll see just how "sorry" you are about it.