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Is an agent really liable if they call back a person that left a voicemail looking for more info? We have pretty well established the lead vendor is screwed if caught but how far do you guys think the FTC would take it? Access the vendor's customer database and fine anyone that ever purchased or used a lead?

Sounds like BS fear mongering to me.

If you don't want to use the leads because you know they are illegal and feel it is wrong than that's great, but who here has the authority or evidence to make such claims as punishment specific to the customers that buy the leads?

Cool your jets, not everyone scares so easy.
Is an agent really liable if they call back a person that left a voicemail looking for more info? We have pretty well established the lead vendor is screwed if caught but how far do you guys think the FTC would take it? Access the vendor's customer database and fine anyone that ever purchased or used a lead?

Sounds like BS fear mongering to me.

If you don't want to use the leads because you know they are illegal and feel it is wrong than that's great, but who here has the authority or evidence to make such claims as punishment specific to the customers that buy the leads?

Cool your jets, not everyone scares so easy.

They are just going to follow the money. Who ever owns the credit card paying for them is going to be the one to get burnt.

If they ever do anything at all. May never happen.
Seems to me all the agent would have to say is "I didn't know this was illegal, if I knew I never would have bought those leads because there are plenty of other places I could buy leads for about the same price. Since this company was advertising out in the open to the public, I had no reason to even begin to think this was illegal."

As far as following the $$$, they will go to whoever has the deepest and fullest pockets first, you can bet your last dollar on that.
Sounds like BS fear mongering to me.

So if no one gets caught, then it's ok to break a law? Like the guy that rear-ended my Passat and stuck me with the deductible and the insurance company with about a 10k repair bill, he shouldn't buy into that whole "hit and run being a criminal" BS, right?
So if no one gets caught, then it's ok to break a law? Like the guy that rear-ended my Passat and stuck me with the deductible and the insurance company with about a 10k repair bill, he shouldn't buy into that whole "hit and run being a criminal" BS, right?

I assume it worked out for him?