Status Update About

I think you are a little confused to think that the agent could and would not be fined. All three partys(agent. insurance and dialer) company would be fined. This happens a lot in certain states and there is actually individuals who make a good living turning over every automated call received by them. I would encourage any agent to not get involved in this type of activity. It want be a matter of getting caught and fined, it will just be a matter of time.
I will say it again. It's not a matter of if you will be caught, its just a matter of when. Please take it from someone who knows. I will gurantee you that they will come after the agent. insurance company and dialer company. You better take some good free advice and that is to stay away from this type of activity. You will get caught.
I think you are a little confused to think that the agent could and would not be fined. All three partys(agent. insurance and dialer) company would be fined. This happens a lot in certain states and there is actually individuals who make a good living turning over every automated call received by them. I would encourage any agent to not get involved in this type of activity. It want be a matter of getting caught and fined, it will just be a matter of time.

Provide a link demonstrating one single instance where the lead vendor was caught and fined where also the customer database of agents was as well.

Robo dialers are out of control lately and I'm all for the FTC cracking down and putting the companies out of business, but I don't believe they have the resources or time to ever go after the individuals that purchased the leads. Who is to say you ever used the lead? Are they going to attempt to retrace your steps and call on the millions of customers to verify they were in fact contacted by said agent?

It's just not going to happen.
Your missing my point. The first person that is going to sue you is the individual that the dialer called. And yes you will have to buy your way out of that one. The second one will be the state attorney general who will fine you. You want buy your way out of this one. It gets worse from there. If your so such to think it want happen then forget my free advice. This is serious and I mean serious issues.
So serious you can't provide any evidence of a single agent ever being fined or getting in trouble for calling a robo voicemail lead purchased from a vendor?

If someone is on the DNC but left a voicemail in response to the robo call requesting info or giving their permission to be contacted by an agent than what are you suggesting? The agent will buy the lead, call the client, and the client will say "HAHA! Caught you! I will now report you and get you into all kinds of trouble!"

I'd respond "Umm, mam/sir I purchased this lead where YOU requested more info. But I am happy to give you all the information about the lead vendor and you can pursue them as you wish."

I think you are being a bit dramatic MGA. Robo calls are a serious issue but let's be realistic here. You are discussing going after individual agents that purchased a lead when in reality the FTC hasn't even done a worthwhile job cracking down on the damn companies doing the robo dialing! Putting the cart before the horse wouldn't you say? is still in business and so are a few other robo dialer companies I can think of so how is this a serious issue? FTC can't even be bothered to take down the in your face and open about culprits but you want to scare agents into thinking they will get sued individually for buying the leads?

What a joke. In my opinion this is a matter of a few agents here that have chosen to take the morale high ground and want to push that belief onto others so they feel better about not using the leads themselves. I can't think of any other reason why an agent would "warn" everyone or give "free advice" about this "serious" issue. If there is not 1 single case of an agent getting in trouble for this than how can you sit here and lecture us all on how serious it is?

I don't use robo leads but I really could not care less if others here use them. Without any evidence to back it up I have no reason to scare people away from them. One day the FTC will truly start to shut all these companies down so agents only have a small window here to use them anyway. Thousands of agents will buy those leads, make sales, and move on. They aren't individually going to start getting in trouble.

What will happen is one day you will notice all your favorite voicemail lead vendor's websites are just gone. You will shrug your shoulders, be saddened at the loss of a lead source, and move on to whatever (cold calling, door knocking, mailers, etc.). I can tell you what won't happen, and that's an FTC agent at your door inquiring about a lead you bought 1 year prior over at

Come on people, let's get real. Either post some links proving an agent has gotten in trouble in regards to a purchases robo dialed lead or stop with the fear mongering or acting like this is bigger than it is.
Re: Update About

I called the company that promotes this to agents and asked them if it was illegal. The manager assured me it was, however I need to be 100% sure.
How can companies blatently do something like that if it is illegal???? they just pay fines???


I'm sure you mistyped this :-) Otherwise, I'm sure if the manager assured you this WAS ILLEGAL, you'd drop those leads like a hot potato.

Anyone here remember the CANSPAM act? Remember how it at last and forever totally wiped out spam? Oh. What do you mean you still get spam? Really? But it is ILLEGAL.

Funny thing, I had this same thought about spam. Spam exists because it is profitable. It is profitable because people buy from these affiliate links. These links are easily trackable since this is how the spammers get paid. Seems like a simple thing to follow the money. And still...

Back to the situation at hand. It seems pretty clear to me these leads are ill gotten booty. Ethically, it would be wise to walk away... at least until they are cleared of any wrongdoing - an unlikely event.

As with the spammer situation above, maybe one could use these and not get caught. Doesn't make it right AND what if you DO get caught.

BTW I actually was robocalled the other day for FE no less. Like a deer in headlights I froze and then hung up. I later thought I should have opted in. As I didn't realize it was illegal at the time, my afterthought was to find out eventually who was working my area. Once I discovered the call was illegal, I would have turned in the call. NOT to "get my competition in trouble" but to shut down the illegal robocalling that puts a black mark on the industry. We don't need this. The people on the other end of the line do not know it's a marketing company. They see us. Run away.

Turning in the agent would have accomplished what exactly? Agent will claim he purchased a lead from a vendor and most likely still has the MP3 of the voice recording claiming you asked for more info.

I've gotten a few robocalls and just hung up but if I "pressed 1 for more info" and said "Yes please call me at blah blah blah" the agent that purchased that lead and followed up with me isn't liable for anything. He has a recording of me requesting more info and the lead wasn't generated by him but by a lead vendor. The most you could do is demand the agent give you the lead vendor's info and you can pursue them.

The more I think about it the more I'm thinking an agent can pretty much never get in trouble for purchasing and using a robodialed lead. On which grounds would they be in trouble? As long as they didn't generate the lead themselves and have the voice recording of the potential client requesting more info I don't think any punishment can occur.

Probably why not a single one of you can produce a story or link to a time when an agent has gotten in trouble for using one of these lead types. Thousands of agents out there and tons of these leads are being sold so surely by now someone has gotten in trouble right? By the way some of you talk it's as if dozens of agents have been caught......but that isn't true is it?

I think the truth is technically only the vendor using a robo dialer and acquiring the leads is breaking the law. An agent that purchases a lead that comes with a voice recording of a client requesting more info (i.e. giving permission to call) is never going to get prosecuted.

Until one single example is given otherwise I think this is pretty much the way this is working. So go ahead agents, if you feel morally fine with buying these leads and using them than what's stopping you? Just because of a few veteran agents around here are spreading fear based on nothing?
Believe me or not. It does not really matter to me but I will state again from experience you will get your self in a serious mess if you choose to do auto dialers. I know many agents that this has happened to and I have no reason to lie. I could personally care less what you do. Call South Carolina in the charleston area and see what happens. Call Ohio and see what happens. Call Mississippi and see what happens. This want go away if you get caught. Take some free advice. Don't do auto dialers. This is much much more serious than you think. You need to read the law in much more depth because the party that benefits the most is the one who gets popped the most. Actually the rouge auto dialer companies will hang you out to dry and flip on you once this issue starts coming down. Enough said. Do as you want.
Agent: hey! I thought you scrubbed this list. That lady I just met was on the do not call list and chewed me out.

Robo call vender: it IS scrubbed. We just scrub them for cops.

I get it! Thank you. I am not going to order anymore. They are pretty expensive

on top of everything else.
At least I asked though!
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I don't get it, I congratulated you for recruiting with only 6 months of experience in this industry and you responded "I do not recruit".
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You may as well, that's what I do.
he didn't recruit me.
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