Taking My A&H Life for CA Test in 3 Days


And I'm nervous!

Are these tests interactive? Meaning does it give you more of the same type of question if you miss one in the same area?

I'm doing well in my practice exams from the company that I got my pre-licensing course done. Does that mean I'm prepared?

Are there any sites that offer newer questions from the CA test that I can practice?

I just want to get this test over with. I'm more nervous about doing the actual selling than I am taking the test!!! I just hope that I'm doing the right thing going into the insurance sales business. I'll be selling LTC, Life, and supplemental medicare insurance getting started.

Any words of advice, information is appreciated.

Best advice is calm down. If you fail which I don't think you will you can just take it over. What I will say is make sure you read the whole question word for word. If you do that you can knock out two answers and then just deal with two out of four. Also watch out for questions with the word "except", once you see that word slow down and read the question again. Then look at the answers. Calm down and you will be ok...Oh one more thing. As your taking L/H togethr there's only so many Life questiosn to be asked and so many health questions to be asked.

Study for 100% but just pass the test..