Ted Cruz Going on Obamacare

Yeah, he always looks like he just smelled something awful.

He's not much of a threat as a candidate either....no chance of victory.
I haven't read the article either, but two things:

1. DC does not have an OFF exchange market, they outlawed it and required everyone to buy ON exchange.

2. Gov't employees are using the SHOP version, and you don't need an SEP for SHOP (I believe)
2. Gov't employees are using the SHOP version, and you don't need an SEP for SHOP (I believe)

As I understand it SHOP plans still have all of the normal requirements of group health. So no enrollments outside of open enrollment unless you have a SEP.


Also, Unpaid leave for the duration of the senator's presidential campaign is not leavingloosing her job. It goes on to state that she will not have access to benefits. Thus the unpaid leave isn't an SEP.

So back to my original question...what is the SEP that qualifies him to enroll?

Not having access to benefits anymore is a SEP. Same as if an employee went from full time to part time and no longer qualified for benefits.
He has some good talking points that may move other candidates to the right assuming he gets some traction (and I think he will). However, I don't see him on the ticket in 2016.