Just curious. From your end, what are some of the ways Repubs have gone hard right that moderates like you aren't fond of?

So, Let's start by establishing some baseline facts.

1) Being a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, whatever, is a spectrum. Not all X members are extremists.

2) Being Conservative is not inherently evil, just like being Progressive isn't evil. Bad actors are making it "evil."

3) The loudest voices tend to be the ones people focus on.

So with that out of the way, let's talk about what I see, on the Right, as harmful.

1) The party is largely circling the wagons around Trump and essentially treating him like Regan.

Here's the problem. Trump is lying, and not a general.. oh he's a lying politician, to his base, and the world.

Trump lost the election, fair and square. Republican politicians know it, but if anyone says it, they're demonized.

2) Covid- Has absolutely brought out the worst in everyone. The idea it's a hoax, or vaccines are effective, or they're experimental, or whatever else is just gross. It's not accurate, and while Democrats have absolutely gone to the extreme the other way, it's untenable for me to pretend it's nothing at all.

3) January 6th was not just peaceful people performing their constitutional rights. Nor was it a coordinated effort by the FBI and CIA to do... something?

4) Demonization of faiths that aren't Christian.

Besides Trump, people like Rand Paul, Lauren Boebert, MTG (who, imo, is someone Republicans should be embarrassed of as a leader), Cawthorn, Gaetz, are 100% undermining democracy.

Ymmv, and that's fine..I'm absolutely not saying that Democrats don't have equally face punchable representatives in their ranks.

But since you asked about Republicans, that's what I'm focusing on.

What can we do?

1) Stop electing 70+ year old politicians, either party, as leaders of the free world. Ffs.

2) Stop normalizing extremist behavior.

3) Stop watching cable "news", where you are the product.

4) Focus on critical thinking. Like be objective, if something is illogical, it's not because it comes from the opposite party, but that it's legit illogical.
I just want to add one example... just as a thought experiment.

The other day, Dr. Faucci was before The Senate and a Republican Senator asked him something along the lines of if he'd submit a financial disclosure under the "just asking questions" scam that people like Tucker Carlson use.

Why was this question asked in bad faith?

I'm a state employee in a Federal program. My salary is public domain. My work email and contents are public domain. Any activity I engage in outside of work, for profit or not, is subject of approval and that paperwork is public domain.

I'm a lowly front line worker and you can find out how much I make by the search of a public database.

Executive leadership, such as Directors, have further financial disclosures they have to make. Want a copy? Submit a FOIA request and it's yours.

So this Senator knows this.. or hes a complete moron, but by "just asking questions.." he's planting the seed that Dr. Faucci has some secret financial incentive to make suggestions.

It's disingenuous, and unproductive to real issues that need to be addressed, now.

That behavior, because is super easy to see through, immediately turns me off with the Republican argument.

If you can ask two objective questions and an argument falls apart, it's being manipulative.

Again, not saying that Pelosi, AOC, Maxine Waters, and some other 60-80 year Olds that are trying to regulate things they just don't have the capacity to understand are equally as disturbing.
That behavior, because is super easy to see through, immediately turns me off with the Republican argument.

You forgot to hyphenate as Republican-Democrat-Independent. Do you not recall the Supreme Court nominations? I am sure the republicans will act just as childish bringing non-sense to the upcoming Supreme Court nominations

They all do it & it is ridiculous. wish hearings & similar items were run like a court of law with objections & proof required.

Complete clown show without any risk of being in contempt or punished or censored or fined
You forgot to hyphenate as Republican-Democrat-Independent. Do you not recall the Supreme Court nominations? I am sure the republicans will act just as childish bringing non-sense to the upcoming Supreme Court nominations

They all do it & it is ridiculous. wish hearings & similar items were run like a court of law with objections & proof required.

Complete clown show without any risk of being in contempt or punished or censored or fined

I was asked specifically about Republicans, which is why I focused there, but yes.. it's a Clown show on all sides.

They gotta get that 15 second sound bite
4) Focus on critical thinking. Like be objective, if something is illogical, it's not because it comes from the opposite party, but that it's legit illogical.

I knew it, you have restored my faith in you. Obviously you agree that gender reassignment is wrong because the logical scientific facts of chromosomes mean something.

I knew it, you have restored my faith in you. Obviously you agree that gender reassignment is wrong because the logical scientific facts of chromosomes mean something.


Frankly it doesn't matter a whole lot if anyone agrees if it's wrong or not.

In a few years, after they become adults, there will be plenty of lawsuits from children who have had irreversible and damaging gender reassignment surgery. The lawsuits will remove all doubt.
Frankly it doesn't matter a whole lot if anyone agrees if it's wrong or not.

In a few years, after they become adults, there will be plenty of lawsuits from children who have had irreversible and damaging gender reassignment surgery. The lawsuits will remove all doubt.

Notice how i worded my statement. I did not even propose a moral argument, was strictly scientific. It clearly begs a point, but I'll leave it right there.

As my dad used to say, common sense isn't really common.
Additional... physical effects will be damaging, but the psychological impact will be life long. The sad and often irreversible reality that, that will leave behind is unmeserabl.

I know that the suicide rates are high for both pre, and post transition transgender people. One of the highest of any group of people. I've never looked up the data, though.

Do the suicides go up or down after people transition? Do you know?
Excellent question. I do not know.

Suicide is of course is the ultimate concern. I will say this, as I run med list I am amazed and concerned with amount of depression/anxiety meds amoung what appears to be a younger and younger population. Not mention other psychotic meds.