How many democrats were up in arms when people were rioting and killing people?

How many democrats were up in arms when the media (and government officials) lied to suppress valid information that polling shows would have swayed the election?

How many are up in arms now about the faked info used to impeach a sitting president?

No has has a right to point the finger in any direction about lack of being "up in arms" about anything.

Plenty of Democrats were speaking out against the rioting. There are hours and hours of news clips of Democrats speaking out against it.

The rest, doesnt even come close to comparing to a Treasonous Act and hunting down members of congress.
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You got us scagent. Conservatives are evil and liberals are saints. Really interesting to know that you've been able to communicate with the vast majority of conservatives.

You are welcome to show me examples of Republicans speaking out against it and actually calling it a treasonous attempt to overthrow a free and fair election. (other than Liz Cheney)

Or you can deflect some more....

I live in the deep south... my whole life... you really think I dont know any Conservatives??

BTW. Im not a Democrat. I voted for George W twice. Voted for Lindsey Graham multiple times (wont anymore).

Unfortunately the Republican party is no longer a political party that believes in Democratic ideals.
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What insane conspiracy theories? (Genuinely curious)

Obama isnt a US citizen
Satan worshiping elitist Dems run a child molestation ring (pizza gate)
Suicide of Vince Foster
Murder of Seth Reish
Ted Cruz has ties to Ozwald and the Kennedy Assasination
Kamala Harris is not a Citizen
Joe Scarborogh had someone killed
Global Warming isnt real
Vacines cause Autism
Wind Turbines cause cancer
Election Fraud
July 6 was Antifa
Buffalo Shooter was antifa

All of that is from Trump himself.

I could go on with the crazy things his followers talk about.
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I know plenty of conservatives who said comments like "I wish Trump would shut up and go away". That's not because we wanted Biden, but because we were tired of Trump's antics.

So do I. But that is very different than calling Jan 6th a treasonous insurrection by our sitting President to overthrow a free and fair election.

Now, I do know conservatives who define it as that. But they are the minority in my experience. Also, the LEADERS of the Republican party refuse to call it that (other than a few who spoke out the day after... then backtracked their comments after Trump called them out).
You are welcome to show me examples of Republicans speaking out against it and actually calling it a treasonous attempt to overthrow a free and fair election. (other than Liz Cheney)

Or you can deflect some more....

I live in the deep south... my whole life... you really think I dont know any Conservatives??

BTW. Im not a Democrat. I voted for George W twice. Voted for Lindsey Graham multiple times (wont anymore).

Unfortunately the Republican party is no longer a political party that believes in Democratic ideals.

Deflect? What, do you want me to get videos of people I personally know who feel that way? Is that the proof I’m supposed to provide? I haven’t watched cable news for about 6 years so I wouldn’t know any of what all the *** talking heads are saying (on both sides).

I really don’t have anything to prove to you or anyone else on this forum. You go right on believing the few represent the whole.

I too live in the south. Born and raised in Georgia.

I don’t think either party believes in democratic ideals.
I don’t think either party believes in democratic ideals.

Only 1 party tried to overthrow an election.

Only 1 party is actively trying to pass laws on the state level to discard citizens votes and allow state legislatures to choose electors.

Maybe you should turn on the news again. Not all of it is bad. Talking heads are not news, sometimes you have to wade through the BS to find the actual factual news ... kind of like around here... but its there.
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Deflect? What, do you want me to get videos of people I personally know who feel that way? Is that the proof I’m supposed to provide? I haven’t watched cable news for about 6 years so I wouldn’t know any of what all the *** talking heads are saying (on both sides).

There are hours of news clips on youtube of Republican politicians stating their opinion about Jan 6th. I can name maybe 3 Republican politicians that have outright called it an attempt to overthrow the election.
Only 1 party tried to overthrow an election.

Only 1 party is actively trying to pass laws on the state level to discard citizens votes and allow state legislatures to choose electors.

Maybe you should turn on the news again. Not all of it is bad. Talking heads are not news, sometimes you have to wade through the BS to find the actual factual news ... kind of like around here... but its there.


If he truly tired to Overthrow with an insurrection he would be in jail right now

Not justifying what he did but again its not exactly as you make it out to be

also not one who says the election was stolen or that any of the problems in this elections are different than other elections

You want to talk about only one party

Only one party put thugs at poling booths
fiercely fights to use every micky mouse Donald duck fake name vote
fight and want tp have illegale immigrant and felons t vote to help give then and edge
want people to vote without ID,s (funny how they demand Covid ID's)
And use any of the most unsecure ways to vote like by mail or internet to give them and edge
Only one party will go into poor neighborhood and offer gifts and food as well as unfounded promises and lies to get some who don't even know who is running to vote their way''
Called for the assassination of a president
Named Seniors veterans and Christians as the top terrorist threat
Leaked information in attempt to overthrow the justice system because the vote wasn't going their way

was the first t utilize media as their propaganda machine and used media tp shame with accusations of racism o anyone that didn't vote their way
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There are hours of news clips on youtube of Republican politicians stating their opinion about Jan 6th. I can name maybe 3 Republican politicians that have outright called it an attempt to overthrow the election.

Take offense if you want, but anyone who calls Jan. 6th an attempt to "overthrow the election" is stupid, dangerously ignorant or dishonest. There's no 4th option. Yes, I'm calling you one of those things (can't say which, but definitely one of them). Hopefully it's ignorance, which is understandable to a point; much of our media has become a literal propaganda machine. But there's a point when you become morally culpable for that ignorance.

Democrats tried to block electoral votes in 2016. Technically, in more states than Republicans did in 2020. I can't name any Democrats who criticized their colleagues for that. Can you? Did anyone call it "treason"?

"Hunting" members of Congress? OK, psycho. Are you gonna tell me about the 4-foot toy gallows with the fake knot (string wrapped around a pop can), too?

As for the Jan 6th riot, here's what we KNOW:

The FBI implanted people both online before the event and at the event itself (admitted in court documents) who encouraged people to go inside the Capital. They do these things all the time and have for decades (notably with young Muslims and, recently, with the plan to kidnap the governor of MI). One of those (obvious) implants, Ray Epps, was walking around before the event telling anyone within ear shot how important it was they go inside the Capital. He was present at the first barrier rioters broke through, and never charged with anything.

Despite the mind-boggling number of hours of video they won't release, the videos we have seen show, clearly, police were letting people inside and the majority went in, just stood around then left.

Trump, in some unexplained conspiracy to commit "treason", was supposedly trying to get people to storm the Capital to overthrow the election by telling them to walk peacefully and protest? And, for some unexplained reason, he warned they should have MORE security before the event? Riiiiiiiight.

And, on cue, the lies came out in full-force. Multiple officers killed (all lies), AOC terrified she was going to be raped while in a separate building well before the rioting started, etc. Pure political theater.

The violations of due process these people have faced in the aftermath are unconscionable and enabled by people like you.

In contrast, when feds were sent to Portland (because leftist psychos had attacked a federal courthouse over 100 nights in a row, sometimes trying to barricade exits and set it on fire with people inside), people screamed "fascism" because agents grabbed a handful of rioters off the street, identified them and let them go. The (Democrat) mayor actually joined the rioters there once, proclaiming he was "with" them.
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If he truly tired to Overthrow with an insurrection he would be in jail right now

Not justifying what he did but again its not exactly as you make it out to be

also not one who says the election was stolen or that any of the problems in this elections are different than other elections

You want to talk about only one party

Only one party put thugs at poling booths
fiercely fights to use every micky mouse Donald duck fake name vote
fight and want tp have illegale immigrant and felons t vote to help give then and edge
want people to vote without ID,s (funny how they demand Covid ID's)
And use any of the most unsecure ways to vote like by mail or internet to give them and edge
Only one party will go into poor neighborhood and offer gifts and food as well as unfounded promises and lies to get some who don't even know who is running to vote their way''
Called for the assassination of a president
Named Seniors veterans and Christians as the top terrorist threat
Leaked information in attempt to overthrow the justice system because the vote wasn't going their way

was the first t utilize media as their propaganda machine and used media tp shame with accusations of racism o anyone that didn't vote their way
And what about the Dems trying to overthrow the 2016 election. Don't hear much about Hillary pushing the fake Russian Collusion, knowing it was made up. Look at how much time and money have been wasted, and it further divided the country.