The FE Meme Thread

Notice he accuses Trump of rape but Clinton is just guilty of "cheating" on his wife. Kathleen Wiley, Paula Jones and others would disagree with that description of what Clinton did to them.
You don't know the difference between cheating on your wife and race??

What kind of ***ing religion do you preach?

Your idol is a rapist. In addition to being a cheat.

You can shape shift all you want but you can't change the truth.
After eight years of Obama and the DNC choosing Biden and back dooring Sanders. America chose Trump besides the RNC's protest.

Now, less than one term into the DNC's mandated Biden/Harris' presidency. Even with the DNC' no primary edit that Biden is the nominated/leader of all Democrats. The majority of Americans, including the majority of Democrats, don't want Harris/Biden.
In a current poll Felon Trump beat Sleepy if the election were held today. And the spot out of touch are blaming everyone but themselves. They did this. Not Rural White men or the 'ain't Black' enough voters.

So how bad of a president do you have to be to be losing as an incumbent, to Donald Trump?

Rhetorical question, here is the answer.

God help us if Trump doesn't win.......we'll all be ***ed.
You're so blind to Biden's crimes. The only reason Trump has been charged and China Joe hasn't is because Biden has a corrupt and politicized DOJ.

Clinton left after 8 years. Trump won his 2nd election......and you know it.

Dude, you're in a cult. If you believe even one word of what you posted here, then there's little hope at this time that you'll recover.

To think that Biden is the criminal, and Trump the persecuted innocent is insane. Insane.

Meanwhile, in Tennessee, the kids are catching on to the right wing war against education and they're starting to speak up for themselves.
