The FE Meme Thread

Folks who support Trump will be judged on a similar scale to those who voted for Hitler in 1933. Thankfully, Germany only had to wait 57 years before the next free and fair election.

How harshly Trumpists will be judged depends upon whether Trump wins the White House again and how far he gets at dismantling the constitution and installing himself as President for life as Putin did in Russia.

I really thought this whole thing was over at "Grab them by the pussy," but here we are with evangelicals and other Christo-fascists supporting Trump over a guy who has gone to church every week of his life, including every week as President.

I'm with JD on this all the way. If you support Trump, you're supporting a criminal rapist racist fraudster who dodged the draft by faking bonespurs. You support someone like that, it shows how low your own moral character is.
Based upon the last paragraph, would you also say that those who supported Bill Clinton were also of equally low moral character?
Folks who support Trump will be judged on a similar scale to those who voted for Hitler in 1933. Thankfully, Germany only had to wait 57 years before the next free and fair election.

How harshly Trumpists will be judged depends upon whether Trump wins the White House again and how far he gets at dismantling the constitution and installing himself as President for life as Putin did in Russia.

I really thought this whole thing was over at "Grab them by the pussy," but here we are with evangelicals and other Christo-fascists supporting Trump over a guy who has gone to church every week of his life, including every week as President.

I'm with JD on this all the way. If you support Trump, you're supporting a criminal rapist racist fraudster who dodged the draft by faking bonespurs. You support someone like that, it shows how low your own moral character is.
I read the 1st sentence and didn't need to read any further to know that's about the STUPIDEST thing I've read.
Folks who support Trump will be judged on a similar scale to those who voted for Hitler in 1933. Thankfully, Germany only had to wait 57 years before the next free and fair election.

How harshly Trumpists will be judged depends upon whether Trump wins the White House again and how far he gets at dismantling the constitution and installing himself as President for life as Putin did in Russia.

I really thought this whole thing was over at "Grab them by the pussy," but here we are with evangelicals and other Christo-fascists supporting Trump over a guy who has gone to church every week of his life, including every week as President.

I'm with JD on this all the way. If you support Trump, you're supporting a criminal rapist racist fraudster who dodged the draft by faking bonespurs. You support someone like that, it shows how low your own moral character is.

Hitler? Dude, you have really jumped the shark. 1933 Germany?

Judged? You keep saying that. Judged by who?
Hitler? Dude, you have really jumped the shark. 1933 Germany?

Judged? You keep saying that. Judged by who?

Time will tell. Read my post again.

2024 is our 1933 moment. How it is remebered will depend upon whether Trump takes over or not, and if he does, how far he and the MAGA Party are able to dismantle constitutional protections assuring fre and fair elections,. Does he fire career civil service profressonals and instead install unqualified party loyalists?

All things he is saying out loud.

So spare me the "jump the shark" comments. You can open your eyes and ears or pretend he is "joking." Up to you.

I prefer to take him at his word when he tells us about how much he hates American democracy and how much he idolizes Putin, Xi, and rocket man.
I read the 1st sentence and didn't need to read any further to know that's about the STUPIDEST thing I've read.

MAGA's never read what they disagree with, monkey.

I told you that you are not the same as you were in 2016.

Now you're in a cult.
Based upon the last paragraph, would you also say that those who supported Bill Clinton were also of equally low moral character?
Clinton cheated on his wife. So has Trump.

But when it was time to go, Clinton left peacefully.

Only Trump in all of US history called his followers to DC on the day the electoral college vote was to be certified and sent them marching to the capital to attempt to prevent the certification of the elcetion.

Trump was right. It was "wild."

It was also anti-democratic, anti-constitution, anti-flag, anti-veteran, anti=individual rights.

So, no, someone who voted fro Clinton was nowhere near as bad as someone who STILL supports Trump.

Not because Clinton was a Democrat. But because Clinto, like Reagan, BUsh, and every other prviors US President was a small "de" democrat. A supporter of the American democratic republic.

Trump could not care any less for our country other than the extent to which he make it serve and enrich him and maybe his family (I don't really believe he cares all that much for his family).

But Trump also cheated on his taxes, cheated in his business dealings, lied about building a wall, lied about having a health care plan, lied about preserving Roe v Wade. Trump and his son-in-law profited from holding office to the tune of at least $2,000,000,000 that we know of. No other President has abused his office or the power of the offuice as has Trump.

But you guys are obsessed with Hunter Biden dick pics.
MAGA's never read what they disagree with, monkey.

I told you that you are not the same as you were in 2016.

Now you're in a cult.
I'm the same I always was. So what's wrong with wanting America to be great again after the mess O'bama and O'biden created? You sound Anti- American Dave. It's you who are in a cult...the Dem Party. Dems stick matter what. You follow the party line like sheep.
Time will tell. Read my post again.

2024 is our 1933 moment. How it is remebered will depend upon whether Trump takes over or not, and if he does, how far he and the MAGA Party are able to dismantle constitutional protections assuring fre and fair elections,. Does he fire career civil service profressonals and instead install unqualified party loyalists?

All things he is saying out loud.

So spare me the "jump the shark" comments. You can open your eyes and ears or pretend he is "joking." Up to you.

I prefer to take him at his word when he tells us about how much he hates American democracy and how much he idolizes Putin, Xi, and rocket man.
God help us if Trump doesn't win.......we'll all be ***ed.
You're so blind to Biden's crimes. The only reason Trump has been charged and China Joe hasn't is because Biden has a corrupt and politicized DOJ.

Clinton left after 8 years. Trump won his 2nd election......and you know it.
