The FE Meme Thread

Folks who support Trump will be judged on a similar scale to those who voted for Hitler in 1933. Thankfully, Germany only had to wait 57 years before the next free and fair election.

How harshly Trumpists will be judged depends upon whether Trump wins the White House again and how far he gets at dismantling the constitution and installing himself as President for life as Putin did in Russia.

I really thought this whole thing was over at "Grab them by the pussy," but here we are with evangelicals and other Christo-fascists supporting Trump over a guy who has gone to church every week of his life, including every week as President.

I'm with JD on this all the way. If you support Trump, you're supporting a criminal rapist racist fraudster who dodged the draft by faking bonespurs. You support someone like that, it shows how low your own moral character is.
Dude, your religious views are yours. No need to force them on the country as a whole.

Womene should control what happens to their bodies, not you nor the church.

Restore the separation of church and state.
And I thought we were discussing morals and ethics. Who brought religion into it?

As for who controls a woman's body, or man's for that matter, only Jesus Christ can do that. Go back and read Jeremiah 1:5

And church and state is already separated. There's nothing to restore. That's why we're in the trouble we're in today.