Let me make sure I understand you correctly. Again, he who doesn't ask questions remains forever ignorant. Your statement reads, "With TV leads (see link below) an ave. agent should be getting 5-8 applications on their FIRST presentation. A sharp shooter will get 6-10 applications on their FIRST presentation."With TV leads (see link below) an ave. agent should be getting 5-8 applications on their FIRST presentation. A sharp shooter will get 6-10 applications on their FIRST presentation.
We treat telesales as a one shot close....just like face 2 face sales.
Senior Life Insurance Company Affordable Life Plan TV Commercial, 'Important Message'
See how direct this TV commercial is compared to the typical DM lead? Life insurance and funeral expenses mentioned often in the commercial.
Are you implying that there is a first call close ratio of 50-80% for the average agent who makes contact with the person who responded to that TV commercial?
In other words, if I am average and I spend $340 on 10 TV Leads, I will close 5-8 of them so long as I make contact and have a decent presentation?