The Leazer Group IMO

who said anything about not working?

people at walmart work everyday and how successful are they?

Reading comprehension. He said "the business" not wal-mart.


Of course you can which is what I said in the first place.

Of course no actually.


I guess that's why you have so much time to post on this forum and I don't...

Yep. Free time is often a sign of success.
you guys really circle the wagons in here...

I absolutely said you should have a downline and that building a team was essential to real success in this and many other businesses.

I don't think Andy Albright has much free time and I'm quite sure he's making more than everybody on this forum. And no I'm not a part of NAA!
you guys really circle the wagons in here... I absolutely said you should have a downline and that building a team was essential to real success in this and many other businesses. I don't think Andy Albright has much free time and I'm quite sure he's making more than everybody on this forum. And no I'm not a part of NAA!

You have reading comprehension problems...the shocker(me being facetious) was that Stephen is successful as a producer without a downline. As am I and JD.
you guys really circle the wagons in here... I absolutely said you should have a downline and that building a team was essential to real success in this and many other businesses. I don't think Andy Albright has much free time and I'm quite sure he's making more than everybody on this forum. And no I'm not a part of NAA!

Do you think agents should be recruiting other agents under them if they have no history of being successful at the business yet and are still at the same street level contracts that any other fresh off the street agent could get?

If yes, what to they use to attract the agents other than lack of information?

How much lower than the street level agent should the next agent be? Should he also be able to put guys under him? If so how low should the lowest guy be at before he has no chance of succeeding at all?

Do you think you should have a lower contract simply because you came in later than your friend did?

I know multi layer marketing is great for the guys at the top. But does it really give the lower guys a fighting chance?
I think that's subjective. The nice thing is that everyone is allowed to set their own agenda and welcome to capitalism! One of the many problems we have as Americans is that it's always about the cheapest price and the "mine is worth more than yours" mentality.

I think if your team is happy and making money then it's all good. Run your agency how you want and we're still in America. If you want to be in the field the rest of your lives then do it but that was never my plan.
I think that's subjective. The nice thing is that everyone is allowed to set their own agenda and welcome to capitalism! One of the many problems we have as Americans is that it's always about the cheapest price and the "mine is worth more than yours" mentality. I think if your team is happy and making money then it's all good. Run your agency how you want and we're still in America. If you want to be in the field the rest of your lives then do it but that was never my plan.

Why wouldn't the producer just put money back for retirement each year just like everyone else with any sense and retire off that plus his renewals as bonus?
Josh, trust me when I say you do not want to leave this offer out there. They will take your free leads, any advance that you give them, and you will end of with the charge backs and a life lesson. Been there, done that.

Oh I was speaking in jest. I'm not babysitting any agents...
Ok, let's talk about money then.

How much do you think the average agent makes a year?

And you can't save your way to retirement! You better have money invested somewhere making an income!
Ok, let's talk about money then.

How much do you think the average agent makes a year?

And you can't save your way to retirement! You better have money invested somewhere making an income!

Sir MLM is a scam. It's for the gullible . You have been brainwashed. I know this because you reffered to your dear leader and said "oh yeah well he makes a ton of money." If you recruit ten people and they recruit ten who then recruit ten people how many agents are there? Do the math man because it can't work.