Think And Grow Rich

Jeaus chist who let the bible thumpers out!! There goes a nice thread

Can you disprove Christ? I believe He was who He said He was.

I am starting to think outside the box on faith etc but Christ
is the still the center to me.

To share a experience with you...

My wife @ the time asked me to go to church one morning.
I was tired and I said no.
I fell back asleep and dreamed about a preacher
quoting the scripture Jer. 29:11 in the king james version
of the bible. This is my favorite scripture but not that version.

I woke up and told her sure let's go.

We went to church and the man I saw in my dream got up
and quoted Jer. 29:11 king james version then was off the
stage the rest of the service. No other scripture was quoted
that service. It was the weekend hurricane Katrina happened.
The pastor had people there he had helped bring here and prayed for
them and took donations.

God is good...God is real...God loves us...God sent Jesus to die for us...
Jesus paid my price...

Do we not agree?
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Are we all gonna die?
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Yeah, the latest gubment statistics show that 1 out of every 1 people will die. It is for real.

When we die, we face judgement. None of is perfect, we all have sinned against God. He will judge us accordingly and we will all deserve eternal Hell.

Only those who repent (confess and turn from) their sins and place their trust in Jesus will live forever in Heaven. Jesus suffered on the cross and died as a propitiation for our sins. It's a free gift from the Creator. Accept the gift, repent and trust is Jesus, receive forgiveness and live for Him. He loves us so much he made it simple enuf for even us insurance dopes to get it.

Read the Gospel of John and the book of Romans before you dismiss this. Give God a chance before it's too late for you.

God bless you.

Wait so this is not the WAY! Internet Sacred Text Archive Home I am so confused. Am I going to your hell because I don't believe in Jesus?

What about those dudes that blew up the World Trade Center are they in hell or banging those hot virgins they were promised? I might want to go party with those fools........

I had already resigned myself that when I die somebody is going to put me in a box and eventually the worms and maggots would eat me.

So know I have to choose from all these different types of religions?

Types of Religion

I am in a pickle now........I think I will go skiing today and when I get to the top of the mountain and see which God I can find in the clouds and follow them! Yep that's it! I will let you know which one appears!! Can't wait!
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Im done with this thread.

Don't be a quitter........
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When studies have shown that there is no more enjoyment out of life after earning around $80,000, the goal is not to grow rich but how to find happiness in your life on a daily basis.

I'm far, FAR from rich but there was once a day when I was dead broke that I thought "if I could only make six figures I'd be happy."

Now, it's not that I'm not happy but I'm not happIER now then I was back when I was broke - minus not really having to worry about some money issues. That's really not what I'm talking about. My overall quality of life has not changed since your life isn't money - it's the relationships you have and how much you can take pleasure is simple things.

Ironically, I've never met more miserable people then very few "rich" people I know.

Most people dream about huge homes, yachts and fancy cars. My dream is the opposite:
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When studies have shown that there is no more enjoyment out of life after earning around $80,000, the goal is not to grow rich but how to find happiness in your life on a daily basis.

I'm far, FAR from rich but there was once a day when I was dead broke that I thought "if I could only make six figures I'd be happy."

Now, it's not that I'm not happy but I'm not happIER now then I was back when I was broke - minus not really having to worry about some money issues. That's really not what I'm talking about. My overall quality of life has not changed since your life isn't money - it's the relationships you have and how much you can take pleasure is simple things.

Ironically, I've never met more miserable people then very few "rich" people I know.

Most people dream about huge homes, yachts and fancy cars. My dream is the opposite:

Cabin Porn

Clap clap clap!!!!! I know some rich people that are ass crazy! I know and old song called Life Story that has a line that goes, I got some buds, I got some brew, change in my pocket, life is cool.

Now I'm not on the bud but I don't judge......

I'm gonna have to check out that link. Sounds special.
Happy rich people stumbled on it. They were deeply passionate about an idea they pursued and ended up rich.

People that seek money for the sake of becoming rich, from my experiences, are trying to fill a hole on their soul. They are like heroine addicts chasing the next high.
Happy rich people stumbled on it. They were deeply passionate about an idea they pursued and ended up rich.

People that seek money for the sake of becoming rich, from my experiences, are trying to fill a hole on their soul. They are like heroine addicts chasing the next high.

H kills and money can take your soul just as easy.....