THIS cannot be done!!!!


An agent mentioned his landing page for a different product has an infomercial.

I'd like to find a way to reward a client for watching my fe infomerical?? anyone doing this?
An agent mentioned his landing page for a different product has an infomercial.

I'd like to find a way to reward a client for watching my fe infomerical?? anyone doing this?

be careful, many states have extremely outdated rebating laws that limit giving a new or current client money or any gift or item worth $5 or $10. In todays world, that can come across cheap compared to not giving anything
be careful, many states have extremely outdated rebating laws that limit giving a new or current client money or any gift or item worth $5 or $10. In todays world, that can come across cheap compared to not giving anything
I don't think he's talking about clients, he's talking about prospects so I'm not sure how that would play out regarding "an inducement to buy".
An agent mentioned his landing page for a different product has an infomercial.

I'd like to find a way to reward a client for watching my fe infomerical?? anyone doing this?

The technology isn't hard, probably a dozen ways I could build that in a long weekend, but it is unclear to me what advantage you think you would have once it is created. How much do you want to pay them? What verifications do you want? Probably the easiest way would be to tie it to paypal and send it that way (since PayPal connects with so many things).
I send out a small branded gift to anyone that contacts me. Costs me a whopping $5 with shipping.

Thank you card. 1.00
Three business cards .12
Branded letter opener .60
Poly mailer (increases open rates) .70
Postage 3.00

So I lied, 5.42.

Getting a call because you sent a hand written thank you note just for the contact, priceless.
This is probably going to sound a$$holish. And it probably is. But it is coming from experience.

Stop this shit! Quit sharpening pencils, arranging files, and picking the right color of shirt to wear. You are going to starve out otherwise.

Pic a couple of FE carriers, (FE is is like free money), pick a SITerm plan or two. MoO child WL. And get your ass out there and write some business. Even if you do not write something you will learn from the exposure. You can not learn to fight until you have been hit in the face.

Another option that I think was recommended in another thread. Split some cases with someone that can sell the deal. You get paid to learn. Keyword is 'Paid'. I have been doing this a while and I have split deals with many of the agents on here or agents from Todd, Newby, Mungia, Ben, 360, Matt and several others I can not remember right now. Get paid and learn. Get paid first or you will not be here to learn.
50% of something is better than 100% of nothing.

Oh and Pro Tip - Bourbon is crazy cheap at Costco.


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I send out a small branded gift to anyone that contacts me. Costs me a whopping $5 with shipping.

Thank you card. 1.00
Three business cards .12
Branded letter opener .60
Poly mailer (increases open rates) .70
Postage 3.00

So I lied, 5.42.

Getting a call because you sent a hand written thank you note just for the contact, priceless.

Playing the long game. :yes: