Tips From Top Producers To Combat Coronavirus Objections

What tips would you give a regular producer that needs to make an income today? Both F2F and Phone?

Did you know that @SPUR CITY and 360 have a professional relationship through North Star that gives their agents access to training, proven scripts, sales process, etc.?

My tip would be that if you are an independent (or captive for that matter) F2F agent and your IMO doesn't have a telesales system that you can plug into immediately to get you trained up with proven scripts, solid contracts with telesales experienced carriers you should contact Matt.

And if you ask me, that is some class right there where he gives kudos to Jeff Root ( a good guy for sure) but makes no mention of his own offering.

You know, I used to be with another crew a couple of years ago but I switched to Matt and never had a moments regret.
Oh really? Who were you with and why did you leave? :wideeyed:

Hold on while I get my whisk.
