Trumpcare Marketing Plan

I wonder how this would work during the transition?
Will people with no insurance or STM be covered day 1?

Tom Price, Trump's Pick For HHS, Has An Obamacare Alternative In Mind : Shots - Health News : NPR

Yeah they can do that and that might work for a little while until a few bleeding heart dems come along and say "18 months is just too long to make someone wait for coverage" so we're gonna pass a law that limits it to 3 months....then boom that program is blown all to hell! Right back to square one, deja vu all over again!

The only thing that's gonna work is Medicare (Part A) for all and payroll tax to fund it. Anything else is just a dog chasing his tail.
Oh, this chit is about to get good......................or corrosive. Can't wait for the next twit to come along......I meant tweet.

Trump said he is crafting his own plan in case he doesn't like the ones Congress has written. He also said he would bypass any concerns about delaying the repeal until a replacement is crafted. Some Republicans have said they'd like to see as many as four years pass before all provisions of the law were repealed.