Trying to Seperate the Men from the Boys?

JD - As a new agent, thank you for some great input on this forum and on EFES P&Ls. From my perspective, I hope you continue to provide informative posts on this forum.

I think it is great that you are moving on to another phase of your career. It looks like a great team being built at fexcontracting. Best wishes to all of you.

Fexcontracting has three real pros and heavy hitters in Newby, Travis, and JD. I haven't meant Travis but I have found JD and Newby to be real standup people.
Fexcontracting has three real pros and heavy hitters in Newby, Travis, and JD. I haven't meant Travis but I have found JD and Newby to be real standup people.

Yeah they're great. The training on the Friday morning calls is top notch. I've seen a spike in my production just over the last month.
What city and state do you knock on doors?

Me? Small towns in TX, I'm a debit guy. I have done it in big cities like Austin and San antonio as well. But it's mainly neighborhoods, which are like small towns within themselves. I'm guessing certain areas of Houston would be awesome. These FE guys might have a different story.
Following behind an independent producer must be very exciting Jdeasy!

It amuses me that while you do not work with EFES any longer you continue to discuss their program on the forums.

Sounds to me like EFES put food in your mouth for several years so I can see your loyalty is probably very much appreciated by the folks over in Dallas...

So what are your present goals with Fexcontracting?

Do you head up the "I used to be with EFES but now I'm not and heres why" division?

Nothing personal... I just have had such a remarkable experience with Equita and I have listened to you on the P&L's so many times and read what you used to write on this forum as though it carried weight....

I value leaders, not followers.

JD doesn't need me, or anyone else, to defend him. So, objectively, I am going to say this is one of the most moronic posts that I have ever seen on this forum!
JD doesn't need me, or anyone else, to defend him. So, objectively, I am going to say this is one of the most moronic posts that I have ever seen on this forum!

It is probably someone at the home office that is pissed he is leaving. I agree with your sentiments.
JD doesn't need me, or anyone else, to defend him. So, objectively, I am going to say this is one of the most moronic posts that I have ever seen on this forum!

I don't know, I think it's beyond moronic. It's Twilight Zone Moronic. haha
JD has a ton of fans and quite a few that try to sling mud. Doesn't seem to bother him too much. Their motivations are usually pretty transparent.

A week doesn't go by that an agent doesn't tell me he has been hugely influenced by JDs posts on the forum and the interview he did with me. How many other successful agents will tell everyone exactly how to repeat their success?