UHC, They Are Releasing the News Monday....possibly Today


I typed out a long and detailed reply but see that you couldn't even read my original post, thus my efforts were pointless at least to you.

houcoogster, time to fold yer ears back and pull your head out. Time in the game has nothing to do with unprofessionalism...clearly you've become the primadonna I despise.

IF you want to lose your renewals that you worked your a$$ off for, by all means have at it...

Free speech isn't in question here...It's a matter of common sense. Of which you have clearly demonstrated time and time again, either it's diminishing with age...or it wasn't in place to begin with.

Thank you for your service.

Let the attacks begin.....

By all means... COWER DOWN to the Almighty UHC...and keep your piddly commissions for....a little while...

What you fail to realize is one important fact. UHC has full right to come here and post whatever they want. I haven't seen any post here from them or their representatives or FMO's disputing this claim.

It's time for you to dry yourself off behind the ears. You clearly demonstrate a newcomer naivety.
BTW... does an email confirming the "rumor" from my UHC carrier rep count?

Support the childish name calling. That's cool. Birds of a feather...

Do what you will. The official announcement and details hasn't come out otherwise I'm sure you'd be first to produce it.

There is speculation, but no details.

Retro renewal decreases.
Move forward 2, 3 and 5% comp.
Is this agency specific?
Is this agent specific?
Is this across the boards?

Like I said originally, rather than cut your nose off despite your face....let the details come out and handle it from there accordingly.

And BTW I have a contact that would love to persue this from a legal standpoint if things are what have been unofficially leaked.


By all means... COWER DOWN to the Almighty UHC...and keep your piddly commissions for....a little while...

What you fail to realize is one important fact. UHC has full right to come here and post whatever they want.
I haven't seen any post here from them or their representatives or FMO's disputing this claim.

You're not that bright are you...of course they haven't because they don't know.

It's time for you to dry yourself off behind the ears. You clearly demonstrate a newcomer naivety.

Common Sense just escapes you...I cower to no one....be assured. I choose to think before I post on a public forum...unlike yourself.

Be assured UHC is looking at this post. Not commenting is also their right.

Rather than being productive in this post, keep up the attacks "Big Time".
Let this sink in TKruger you are a spineless punk! How dare you lecture 20 and 30 + yr veterans as to what we can and cannot post. I fought for this Country and for everyone here to have freedom of speech to post what they think regardless if I agree or disagree with them.

Then you should respect is opinion. In my opinion.


Tkruger, if it's true, which it most likely is; don't you think the people who are the most upset are the same ones hoping its not true.

I hope it's not, but if it is...you have to admit it's a pretty distasteful decision to release such a drastic commission restructure just when our 3 month window to make money is underway.

They had all year to make predictions and trust their accountants. At least assurant had the decency to wait till after OEP was more or less finished.

I respect your opinions, but if the rumors aren't true, and UHC sees the comments here...I'm sure they'll understand how people could be upset.

If be willing to bet though, based on the likelihood of the change, that they couldn't care less what we think.

I hope we're all wrong, but if we're not, UHC can, respectfully, suck it.
I have to say that the unprofessionalism being posted if UHC is reading this thread could and should lead to your agent/agency appointment termination.

Nothing has gone official yet. Everything we are hearing has no link to "what is" regarding this topic.

While there are points I agree with from many posters...discussing a strategy to create further known issues for this provider shows your lack of professionalism.

Quite a few of you aren't thinking with your head. IF you are termed agent/agency wise you are not entitled to any renewals....let that sink in.

Even if goes south....it's to what degree prior to devising a resolution to the challenge.

Too many directions this could go to put my A$$ on my shoulders quite yet....just sayin'

If your claims of 'unprofessionalism' relate to anything I have said in this thread I take that with great offense because it is patently untrue.

The information that is out there is correct and has been leaked by multiple sources, it is completely unfair to the independent agent (like myself) who has spent significant time and money marketing UHC plans to their client base and now faces a commission reduction of 75% instantly, with no warning.

I run my business to do the right thing for my clients as well as being profitable, drastic changes in compensation after the fact are the only unprofessional thing happening as it relates to UHC plans today and in the next 24 hours.

To answer your claim that it is better to wait=I have a number of clients who had chosen to enroll in UHC plans, I made sure that as many of those applications ready to be submitted were placed over the weekend as possible-the fact that many of them are people with a high level of healthcare need and will blow through their MOOP within a short period of time is something that UHC absolutely deserves.

I can also guarantee that, for the rest of the year, every client with a high level of medical need whose doctors are in network will get the same treatment regardless of whether I get paid 2%, 7$, pr nothing.
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If your claims of 'unprofessionalism' relate to anything I have said in this thread I take that with great offense because it is patently untrue.

The information that is out there is correct and has been leaked my multiple sources, it is completely unfair to the independent agent (like myself) who has spent significant time and money marketing UHC plans to their client base and now faces a commission reduction of 75% instantly, with no warning.

I run my business to do the right thing for my clients as well as being profitable, drastic changes in compensation after the fact are the only unprofessional thing happening as it relates to UHC plans today and in the next 24 hours.

To answer your claim that it is better to wait=I have a number of clients who had chosen to enroll in UHC plans, I made sure that as many of those applications ready to be submitted were placed over the weekend as possible-the fact that many of them are people with a high level of healthcare need and will blow through their MOOP within a short period of time is something that UHC absolutely deserves.

I can also guarantee that, for the rest of the year, every client with a high level of medical need whose doctors are in network will get the same treatment regardless of whether I get paid 2%, 7$, pr nothing.

By no means was I targeting anyone specifically. You included. That said, it was more directed at those whom were publicly developing a game plan on attacking UHC before anything official was release. Regardless of the public release as a business owner I wouldn't want anyone with calculated malice and intent on destroying my company attacking my company...

Also, FYI I just logged in and see the OE PDF showing up. Messed up is the politest thing I can say. No further info as Y has stated has populated.
submitted as much as I could this weekend. Glad it's not retro. Will be making a lot of calls tomorrow. HS is worth ever penny...at least until tomorrow around 6pm.

Was told by another carrier that 6pm is when the Marketplace sends their daily run of new enrollees to the carriers. Do what you can tomorrow while there is still some time. Good luck to all.

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