No Todd you're wrong. Even if an agent had to be captive to get those perks so what? It's far superior to anything you or your carriers can offer agents. But agents can get quite a few perks and not be required to be captive.
Contact me and let's get Sr Life added as another one of your carriers. Our super-preferred might be the best rate you could offer someone who qualifies such as. the example below:
Monthly premium comparison is based on $10k face-value for a 65 year old female non-smoker.
_She takes insulin (started when she was 5 years old)
_She takes Lisinopril for HBP
_She takes Simvastatin for cholesterol
_She takes Trazadone for depression
_She takes Furosemide for fluid in her ankles and feet.
Ultimate Preferred---$34.31
Can You Beat This Rate?
If you need a PRICE BUSTER this is it!
To get contracted (takes only 24 hours to get your agent #) call Greg @ 252-292-3350 anytime
from 9am est – 8pm est Mon thru Sat!
If you don't have a carrier that can offer a better rate than above then you should get contracted with me. After all you're always saying to do the right thing and get your client the cheapest premium.
Who is in your bag that can beat the rate for this example? There's probably a few but not many. Do you have any that can beat this rate for this lady above? If not call me.
Okay, so let's make a deal. I'll pick up SL and even do it through you, but you're going to pick up some companies through us that you can pivot to when they have to go with something other than Ultimate Preferred and Super Preferred. I also promise that your commissions with most of my companies will be higher than what you can normally offer.