I have a question about a letter that I received from one of the insurance companies I write FE for. The company sent me a letter dated 1/27/12 and that I owed them money (under $400). It stated I was still an active agent with them and to write an application to clear my balance, a win, win situation. In 3 years with this company I have only written 2 policies. No dates on the letter as to how soon it needed to be completed. I only use this company for non-healthy people.
2/7/12 (postage date) I receive an evelope from my IMO with a sticker on the outside of the letter "We want to raise your ????? commissions". I open it up and their is a new commission schedule and at the bottom of it says" Write 1 app and this will become your new commission schedule". Page 2 is a quick reference guide of the insurance company and page 3 is an ad for his company. That's it, no dated letters or anything else.
Fast forward, I receive another envelope dated 2/28/12. Again it has 2 stickers plastered on the outside of the envelope saying:
1st sticker
Another Vector, a NIAC Report, A Complaint to the State Insurance Dept, Papers Served, A Law Suit, Ruined Credit, Attorney Fees, Court Cost, Leins, Judgements
2nd sticker
You already agreed in writing to pay ALL COURT COST & ALL ATTORNEYS FEES!
Inside the envelope is a copy of the original letter from the insurance company with hand written notes on it: 2-28-12 no response and the original amount due plus $90 more on a lapsed policy added. Still under $500.
Page 2 is letter with the seven step letter on the collection process.
Page 3 is another letter in big bold print: This is the last of the Friendly Letters about your debt balance. We need to Know if you have taked care or it.
Page 4 is another letter in big bold print: You have been remined nicely, that you need to take care of your debit balance. No one has heard back from you. It appears "nicely" is not working.
I have been doing this for about 3 years and have only been behind once when I first started. A different company that did 4 advertising mailers for me so I started off in $1,320 in the red. They took out a percentage on each policy sold until it was caught up.
On 2/27/12 I did write a new piece of business with the above company with AP of $691.68. This should keep them happy?
My problem is not with the insurance company but the way the IMO handled the situation. I thought the stickers on the outside of the envelope were childish and very unprofessional. The threatening letters in big bold print just kinda got to me. No formal letters or a phone call and nothing dated.
Thats it! Just wanted to get some feed back if I have over reacted. I don't know how fast most insurance companies expect to be paid but I would think 30 days would be reasonable.
I intentionaly did not use the Insurance company name or the IMO's name. I'm not here to diminsh anyones reputation, although the IMO does post on this site.
Many thanks
I have a question about a letter that I received from one of the insurance companies I write FE for. The company sent me a letter dated 1/27/12 and that I owed them money (under $400). It stated I was still an active agent with them and to write an application to clear my balance, a win, win situation. In 3 years with this company I have only written 2 policies. No dates on the letter as to how soon it needed to be completed. I only use this company for non-healthy people.
2/7/12 (postage date) I receive an evelope from my IMO with a sticker on the outside of the letter "We want to raise your ????? commissions". I open it up and their is a new commission schedule and at the bottom of it says" Write 1 app and this will become your new commission schedule". Page 2 is a quick reference guide of the insurance company and page 3 is an ad for his company. That's it, no dated letters or anything else.
Fast forward, I receive another envelope dated 2/28/12. Again it has 2 stickers plastered on the outside of the envelope saying:
1st sticker
Another Vector, a NIAC Report, A Complaint to the State Insurance Dept, Papers Served, A Law Suit, Ruined Credit, Attorney Fees, Court Cost, Leins, Judgements
2nd sticker
You already agreed in writing to pay ALL COURT COST & ALL ATTORNEYS FEES!
Inside the envelope is a copy of the original letter from the insurance company with hand written notes on it: 2-28-12 no response and the original amount due plus $90 more on a lapsed policy added. Still under $500.
Page 2 is letter with the seven step letter on the collection process.
Page 3 is another letter in big bold print: This is the last of the Friendly Letters about your debt balance. We need to Know if you have taked care or it.
Page 4 is another letter in big bold print: You have been remined nicely, that you need to take care of your debit balance. No one has heard back from you. It appears "nicely" is not working.
I have been doing this for about 3 years and have only been behind once when I first started. A different company that did 4 advertising mailers for me so I started off in $1,320 in the red. They took out a percentage on each policy sold until it was caught up.
On 2/27/12 I did write a new piece of business with the above company with AP of $691.68. This should keep them happy?
My problem is not with the insurance company but the way the IMO handled the situation. I thought the stickers on the outside of the envelope were childish and very unprofessional. The threatening letters in big bold print just kinda got to me. No formal letters or a phone call and nothing dated.
Thats it! Just wanted to get some feed back if I have over reacted. I don't know how fast most insurance companies expect to be paid but I would think 30 days would be reasonable.
I intentionaly did not use the Insurance company name or the IMO's name. I'm not here to diminsh anyones reputation, although the IMO does post on this site.
Many thanks