Unearned Commissions - Vectors


I have a question about a letter that I received from one of the insurance companies I write FE for. The company sent me a letter dated 1/27/12 and that I owed them money (under $400). It stated I was still an active agent with them and to write an application to clear my balance, a win, win situation. In 3 years with this company I have only written 2 policies. No dates on the letter as to how soon it needed to be completed. I only use this company for non-healthy people.

2/7/12 (postage date) I receive an evelope from my IMO with a sticker on the outside of the letter "We want to raise your ????? commissions". I open it up and their is a new commission schedule and at the bottom of it says" Write 1 app and this will become your new commission schedule". Page 2 is a quick reference guide of the insurance company and page 3 is an ad for his company. That's it, no dated letters or anything else.

Fast forward, I receive another envelope dated 2/28/12. Again it has 2 stickers plastered on the outside of the envelope saying:

1st sticker
Another Vector, a NIAC Report, A Complaint to the State Insurance Dept, Papers Served, A Law Suit, Ruined Credit, Attorney Fees, Court Cost, Leins, Judgements

2nd sticker
You already agreed in writing to pay ALL COURT COST & ALL ATTORNEYS FEES!

Inside the envelope is a copy of the original letter from the insurance company with hand written notes on it: 2-28-12 no response and the original amount due plus $90 more on a lapsed policy added. Still under $500.

Page 2 is letter with the seven step letter on the collection process.

Page 3 is another letter in big bold print: This is the last of the Friendly Letters about your debt balance. We need to Know if you have taked care or it.

Page 4 is another letter in big bold print: You have been remined nicely, that you need to take care of your debit balance. No one has heard back from you. It appears "nicely" is not working.

I have been doing this for about 3 years and have only been behind once when I first started. A different company that did 4 advertising mailers for me so I started off in $1,320 in the red. They took out a percentage on each policy sold until it was caught up.

On 2/27/12 I did write a new piece of business with the above company with AP of $691.68. This should keep them happy?

My problem is not with the insurance company but the way the IMO handled the situation. I thought the stickers on the outside of the envelope were childish and very unprofessional. The threatening letters in big bold print just kinda got to me. No formal letters or a phone call and nothing dated.

Thats it! Just wanted to get some feed back if I have over reacted. I don't know how fast most insurance companies expect to be paid but I would think 30 days would be reasonable.

I intentionaly did not use the Insurance company name or the IMO's name. I'm not here to diminsh anyones reputation, although the IMO does post on this site.

Many thanks
p 9. Section 808(8) prohibits showing anything other than the debt collector's address, on any envelope in any written communication to the consumer, except that a debt collector may use his business name if it does not indicate that he is in the debt collection business.

1. Business names prohibited on envelopes. A debt collector may not put on his envelope any business name with "debt" or "collector" in it, or any other name that indicates he is in the debt collection business. A debt collector may not use the American Collectors Association logo on an envelope.

2. Collector's name. Whether a debt collector/consumer reporting agency's use of his own "credit bureau" or other name indicates that he is in the collection business, and thus violates the section, is a factual issue to be determined in each individual case.

3. Harmless words or symbols. A debt collector does not violate this section by using an envelope printed with words or notations that do not suggest the purpose of the communication. For example, a collector may communicate via an actual telegram or similar service that uses a Western Union (or other provider) logo and the word "telegram" (or similar word) on the envelope, or a letter with the word "Personal" or "Confidential" on the envelope.

4. Transparent envelopes. A debt collector may not use a transparent envelope, which reveals language or symbols indicating his debt collection business, because it is the equivalent of putting information on an envelope.
I don't have any problem paying the debt. It was the way it was handled, which in my view was very unprofessional. There were no dates/deadlines on any letters. Stickers plastered on the envelopes like a 2 year old. Most professioanl business practices that I have delt with in the past would give you 30 days to resolve issues with them. I don't know if this is the norm with insurance companies? How do most of the other FE companies handle it? How much time do they give you to respond or write business? The main companies I write with I alway have enough business on the books so i do not to have to worry about something like this.

I don't have any problem paying the debt. It was the way it was handled, which in my view was very unprofessional. There were no dates/deadlines on any letters. Stickers plastered on the envelopes like a 2 year old. Most professioanl business practices that I have delt with in the past would give you 30 days to resolve issues with them. I don't know if this is the norm with insurance companies? How do most of the other FE companies handle it? How much time do they give you to respond or write business? The main companies I write with I alway have enough business on the books so i do not to have to worry about something like this.


Most allow you to write business to cover it. I am as earned with Foresters. I have a $38 debit with them right now from a policy that cancelled. They haven't said a word as my commission this week will more than cover it.

If I wasn't writing business with them, as you said you haven't been with the company in question, they would want the money.

Before it ever got to the point of them sending it to collections I would pay them.

You are not disputing the debt. If you were it would be a different story. If you agree that you owe them, pay them. Don't worry about the procedures.

Or, that's what I would do. You may get different advice here.
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I got one of those from Rosenthal too. It was a misunderstanding, he chilled out about it. They chase so many agents they have that system in place because many agents need to be handled that way. Unfortunately, that means some "innocent" agents catch a stray bullet sometimes.

I actually kept receiving them once or twice AFTER I paid the balance. Best thing you can do is just give 'em a call.
You ignored it for almost a month and then wondered why they got upset...

This isn't like you responded and acknowledged the debt and then two days later sent it to collections. You sat on your hands with no response. So yes, it was natural for them to turn up the heat to get some response.
You ignored it for almost a month and then wondered why they got upset...

This isn't like you responded and acknowledged the debt and then two days later sent it to collections. You sat on your hands with no response. So yes, it was natural for them to turn up the heat to get some response.

I agree with you and JD, that the debt should have been settled immediately or if it was not possible to send them the money, then at least contact them.. preferably the day the letter was received.

However, I have a real problem with the IMO putting those big, bold stickers on the outside of the envelope. Not only is it possibly illegal, it is certainly uncalled for on what appears to be no more than a second notice. Could be the first notice wasn't received.

I would pay my debt immediately and then I would find another IMO.
Since you wrote new business to cover the debt you should be fine with the company. I would give them a call just to make sure though.

Then, even though you didn't respond in a timely manner to address the debit problem, I think what the IMO did was very unprofessional. I would think about NOT doing any further business with them.