United of Omaha Underwriting

Can't complain. I wrote a Plan G app and snail mailed it June 28. Policy was mailed to me July 9 and I got it 3 days later.

Perhaps its the "N" apps jamming that pipeline.
Mutual is a little slow but if you know some of the underwriters you can find out exactly where your app is. By the way How fast is Gerber on turnaround time on a underwritten app. Thanks. I know they are connected but do not know how. i heard Gerber had 5 underwriters. As of 6/1/2010 mutual had 35 and was hiring more.
Mutual is a little slow but if you know some of the underwriters you can find out exactly where your app is. By the way How fast is Gerber on turnaround time on a underwritten app. Thanks. I know they are connected but do not know how. i heard Gerber had 5 underwriters. As of 6/1/2010 mutual had 35 and was hiring more.

Gerber is taking just as long as MOO for us.
My sources who work at Mutual told me they just started seperating the Plan N's and folks in OE from the underwritten policies just this past week and it's helped the turnaround time on those immensely. A guy I wrote a week ago today who's turning 65 in August got his policy issued on Monday. Whereas I have a husband-wife who I submitted a month ago today who haven't even had their app looked at yet. I'm hoping that by getting all the GI and OE folks seperated it will clear up the bottleneck they've got going on over there.
You gotta like that!

Yeah, that's definitely a good turn around time, but how long will it stay on the books. Do you think cutomers are super-loyal to Anthem. I ask this because they are very easy to replace here in Viriginia.
I have a FULLY UNDERWRITTEN MoO plan F on an 81yr old Female written on JULY 13th faxed in on JULY 14th, been in their system 10 days just issued this morning... CraZy! I know! I have similar cases that have been in the system 33 days now that havent even been looked at!!! I think turn around times are going to be back to normal real soon. I'm optimistic!!!!
I have a FULLY UNDERWRITTEN MoO plan F on an 81yr old Female written on JULY 13th faxed in on JULY 14th, been in their system 10 days just issued this morning... CraZy! I know! I have similar cases that have been in the system 33 days now that havent even been looked at!!! I think turn around times are going to be back to normal real soon. I'm optimistic!!!!

That would be nice.
medicare supplemental plans United of Omaha Gerber New Era Sentinel Aetna Humana Blue Cross Blue Shield
Medicare Supplement Plans
Medicare supplemental insurance
Medicare Supplement Insurance
American Seniors Medicare Supplement Insurance
American Seniors Insurance
retired persons
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Applications approved over the weekend and e-mails on a error on my part on Sunday. Looks as if they are working 24/7 to catch things up.