Upcoming TIP interview with JD

So because Trump is kind of an asshole, people will vote for a socialist?

None of the Dems are socialists, even the ones who think they are lol.

They are certainly left of left in many cases, but thus far not one has advocated for the government takeover of all private industry and the confiscation of private property (other than the confiscation of income and wealth through taxes that both parties have agreed to). And that last part is actually a tremendous opportunity to folks licensed to do what we do if we focus on learning how to use the products to protect our prospects and clients from the coming Tax Train!

And no, folks aren't going to vote for someone else because Trump is an Asshole. They are going to vote for someone else because he is a threat to the Republic, and about 55 to 60% of the public has now caught on to that fact.
None of the Dems are socialists, even the ones who think they are lol.

They are certainly left of left in many cases, but thus far not one has advocated for the government takeover of all private industry and the confiscation of private property (other than the confiscation of income and wealth through taxes that both parties have agreed to). And that last part is actually a tremendous opportunity to folks licensed to do what we do if we focus on learning how to use the products to protect our prospects and clients from the coming Tax Train!

And no, folks aren't going to vote for someone else because Trump is an Asshole. They are going to vote for someone else because he is a threat to the Republic, and about 55 to 60% of the public has now caught on to that fact.
How exactly is he a threat to the republic? Sounds scary!:eek:
How exactly is he a threat to the republic? Sounds scary!

It is, but there those, such as yourself, who don't see it. No one can explain it to you. You either see it or you don't. About 40% of Americans likely never will. No problem, the rest of us will fix it.
It is, but there those, such as yourself, who don't see it. No one can explain it to you. You either see it or you don't. About 40% of Americans likely never will. No problem, the rest of us will fix it.

Can you succinctly tell us what you see that so many others do not?
Can you succinctly tell us what you see that so many others do not?

I would if I thought it would get us anywhere, but it won't. If you do not see Trump's Presidency as a threat to the separation of powers vital to the Republic as we've known if for 200+ years, then anything I say won't convince you otherwise. But a majority of folks do see it and that is what matters.
I would if I thought it would get us anywhere, but it won't. If you do not see Trump's Presidency as a threat to the separation of powers vital to the Republic as we've known if for 200+ years, then anything I say won't convince you otherwise. But a majority of folks do see it and that is what matters.

Your response is exactly what I expected.

If you can't articulate your position, you don't have one. At best, you have feelings.
Your response is exactly what I expected.

If you can't articulate your position, you don't have one. At best, you have feelings.

No, you misinterpret my lack of response. No matter how cogent my argument, someone who is today still firmly in Trump's camp will only argue and disagree. I'm tired of argument and disagreement. If I thought my argument would be received by even one open mind, I'd make it. But be honest: You know and I know that there is nothing that will sway you from being an Always Trump Republican. So why continue? Let's just keep being friends - that is more important to me than any political argument.