Upcoming TIP interview with JD

If Trump behaved like Ronald Reagan or George Bush it would be a much different story. Most would support him 100%. Hes just not a "good person", as I've heard some people say.

Both Reagan and Bush had their moments of rage, but Trump is rarely even keeled.

He is no statesman.

I am most surprised that there are not more people from the evangelical right speaking out... its very scary for me to see that.
I couldn't stand Trump before he announced he was running. I thought then, and I think now, that he's exactly the kind of guy we need to run this country. He's tough, he puts the USA 1st.............and he's not a politician.

I cringe at some of the things he says, but he's real and we see what we got. I like that he speaks his mind(most of the time). Most polititians, we'd be shocked at what's going on with them. Like Diane Feinstein having a Cinese spy as her driver for 20 years while her husband got rich doing deals with China. Funny how that story was hardly talked about by CNN/MSNBC.
I couldn't stand Trump before he announced he was running. I thought then, and I think now, that he's exactly the kind of guy we need to run this country. He's tough, he puts the USA 1st.............and he's not a politician.

I cringe at some of the things he says, but he's real and we see what we got. I like that he speaks his mind(most of the time). Most polititians, we'd be shocked at what's going on with them. Like Diane Feinstein having a Cinese spy as her driver for 20 years while her husband got rich doing deals with China. Funny how that story was hardly talked about by CNN/MSNBC.
For me it's the easiest choice in the world. Can't stand to hear the guy speak and can't stand to look at him. But every choice is bad. So when it comes down to that the choice becomes quite simple. Who is going to protect the 2nd amendment better. Seeing as that is Trump he can grab anything he wants, kill kittens in the street, and deport my Mother and he will still have my vote. Hate that it has to be that way but that's the way it is.
haha @ ppl asking daytimer to use logic

Nothing new, he says the same thing in every vid. But he gets consistency points. Which is probably the most important trait.

It was only 15minutes. I watched it, and its pretty good stuff... he actually seemed like a nice guy, which was surprising to me to be honest.

This is like the 3rd, maybe 4th interview he's done (I believe).

I would love to hear someone press him, on camera, about the difference between a certificate and a policy.

No being facetious. I would like to hear his point of view on that.

In good conscious, I wouldn't be able to sell the product he does, but I may be able to be convinced otherwise. Much like why people wouldn't be able to sell one product, in good conscious, but when I break it down they at least understand... maybe they disagree, but they get it.