Upcoming TIP interview with JD

I would if I thought it would get us anywhere, but it won't. If you do not see Trump's Presidency as a threat to the separation of powers vital to the Republic as we've known if for 200+ years, then anything I say won't convince you otherwise. But a majority of folks do see it and that is what matters.
Trumps having to pull HARD to the Right to keep the Left from taking control. The Liberal Left will ruin this great country if they gain control. :yes:
No, you misinterpret my lack of response. No matter how cogent my argument, someone who is today still firmly in Trump's camp will only argue and disagree. I'm tired of argument and disagreement. If I thought my argument would be received by even one open mind, I'd make it. But be honest: You know and I know that there is nothing that will sway you from being an Always Trump Republican. So why continue? Let's just keep being friends - that is more important to me than any political argument.
That's why I don't usually respond to your "political lunacy" Dave. ;)

Same with one of my sisters. We agreed that we both know how each other feels and neither one of is is going to change the other's mind, so we don't talk politics anymore. :no:
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The real threat to this country is the politicization of the so called news media!
Each side spins it there way. The Clinton News Network "CNN" otherwise known as chicken noodle news is the worst.
No, you misinterpret my lack of response. No matter how cogent my argument, someone who is today still firmly in Trump's camp will only argue and disagree. I'm tired of argument and disagreement. If I thought my argument would be received by even one open mind, I'd make it. But be honest: You know and I know that there is nothing that will sway you from being an Always Trump Republican. So why continue? Let's just keep being friends - that is more important to me than any political argument.

You mistake me for someone who blindly supports anyone.

In fact, I don't care about or follow politics hardly ever.

I do have an open mind.

I'm the guy you could convince.

That being said, I seriously have no idea how he is a threat to our republic which is why I'm asking you to succinctly articulate why you say that.
If we can survive Trump, we can survive anything. You give the left far too much credit. Far too much.
Open borders? Post birth abortion? Like I said, "Don't get me started about the Democrats and this entire 3 years and counting Russian mess..which the Dems made up and lied about.

They're willing to destroy the country to try and get power back. Some of those people like Hillary, Comey, Rosenstein, Brennan, Clapper and several more from the FBI upper management are guilty of treason and should be shot!!! :mad:
If Trump behaved like Ronald Reagan or George Bush it would be a much different story. Most would support him 100%. Hes just not a "good person", as I've heard some people say.

Both Reagan and Bush had their moments of rage, but Trump is rarely even keeled.

He is no statesman.

I am most surprised that there are not more people from the evangelical right speaking out... its very scary for me to see that.