Vemo Leads

Re: Anyone tried vimo telephone transfers?

Virtually all lead companies have "affiliate" programs that pay $3 to $10 and they buy the lead from the "affiliate" and then sell it to 3-5 agents for $5 to $10 or so - (i.e. $30 to $50 profit on a $3 to $10 payout) - of course they eat dirt on some bad leads, etc., etc.,

There are hardly any lead companies that do not have affiliate programs and that is where the $#@! leads are coming from.

We bought 100 leads as of 2pm today. 0 sales.
Re: Anyone tried vimo telephone transfers?

If your lead company is primarily using affiliates I can guarantee you it's email spam, banner ads and incentive ads. Those are 100% pure garbage.
Re: Anyone tried vimo telephone transfers?

That's why I have suspended (and maybe permanently dumped) NetQuote. I picked up VIMO to test the waters. It's been a few weeks but the most of the leads have been genuine. But undisclosed medical conditions are common and I have requested about 25% credit so far.

Of course, there's nothing like a referral. I get about three per week and they are usually quite lovely. No other agents banging down their door from a boiler room.
VIMO - Spamming Board Members

I receieved an email yesterday with my address shown as greensky - insure(at)

This email was grabbed from this board and is spamming in the worst way.

This was not sent in error, but used the board itself as a profit center. I suggest that if we are contacted by them we tell them exactly how and where to go.

Re: VIMO - Spamming Board Members

I have not received one....forward me the email....but you do have your website embedded in your are opening yourself to spam....
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Re: VIMO - Spamming Board Members

I don't get much spam because of being on the board but you are correct. My signature has been changed but your email is your name?!?!?

Spammers can't figure that out?

Thanks for the help.

Re: VIMO - Spamming Board Members

Just to be clear, no one besides myself and the moderators can actually view email addresses. There is a board function where members can send an email to other members on the board who have elected to receive emails from other forum members. However, you must send those on an individual basis and using this function does NOT allow you to see anyones email address.

It is not possible for anyone to mass email the entire forum.

If you have an email address or website in your signature, then anyone who sees it can do with that as they wish. There is no way for us to prevent anyone from taking those emails and spamming them.