Googly Moogly
- 79
Because at a seminar, you have a flyer that states what the topic is. No one says their going to Walmart to purchase Life, LTC, Health or Medicare coverage.
Also, I would rather have their undivided attention on Medicare when we are speaking. Better the chances they will grasp the concept and details.
Listen, I know I'm the only one who has trouble with this. I will repeat my question - the only part of my post no one has responded to - How many of you go out to Walmart, Kmart, Walgreens, Costco, JCPenney to purchase Life, LTC or Health Insurance? How many of you would, if given the opportunity.
I becomes a commodity, just like buying a DVD, or a pair of jeans.
You can find Banks located in grocery stores. What difference does it make where you buy a product? I bet the agents working in stores are under tighter scrunity than the ones making house calls.