We Win !


5000 Post Club
Why is no one saying it here? We win... bottom line, put it in 3" headlines.. WE HAVE WON, DODGED THE BIG BLACK BULLET.

Thank god for the indys of Mass.... long live the Commonwealth.

Obama, you loose ..

Say what u will about the options the socialist has, the game is over for destroying our lives....
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Also, Hey Tx Insurance... What say now... Mr. There is no way Broww wins?
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Re: We Win!!

I stand corrected. Happy for outcome of course.

I think it was the Scott brown nude photo that pushed everyone over the edge.
Re: We Win!!

Kennedy had the same Huge Problem after the Cuban Missle Crisis, How did he handle it?

To paraphrase Lloyd Bentsen, I knew Jack Kennedy and Obama is no Jack Kennedy.

As for Brown, I saw an interview this AM where he seemed to contradict himself.

He said 98% of citizen in MA have health insurance so they don't need a national plan. That kind of decision should be left up to the individual states with assistance from the federal government. At the same time he said the MA plan doesn't work.

So which is it?

Does the MA plan work or not?
Re: We Win!!

Come November, Obama will be busy with all the requests for him to campaign in various states, OR NOT!

Obama campaigning for them the the fall will be about as welcome as Bush was at the end of his term. When people voted for Obama they voted for a grab bag. Nobody knew what was in the bag because the media keep everything quiet. The discontent voters hoped for a nice prize instead they got booby trapped. Now they are reacting with open eyes.
Re: We Win!!

To paraphrase Lloyd Bentsen, I knew Jack Kennedy and Obama is no Jack Kennedy.

As for Brown, I saw an interview this AM where he seemed to contradict himself.

He said 98% of citizen in MA have health insurance so they don't need a national plan. That kind of decision should be left up to the individual states with assistance from the federal government. At the same time he said the MA plan doesn't work.

So which is it?

Does the MA plan work or not?

If you live within a GI state, his position makes sense in a contorted kind of way. You have to keep in mind that one of the things that has scared the bejesus out of people in GI or Mass states is that it is largely agreed that premiums will increase under Obamacare plus you will be subsidizing other states such as Nebraska.

So if you are in Mass you can be critical of the mass plan but also pray to God that the feds stay out and keep you from paying more and causing you to subsidize other states that have not bellied up.

It makes sense to me of course because, as I have stated repeatedly, I think the entire system will collapse and we will go to a Canadian system if Obamacare is implemented. So, I pray for relief from the Maine system but am not ready to swallow a poison pill yet. I think if you live in a state that has already been driven completely insane by government intervention you dont know where to turn anymore. I can tell you one thing though, suggestions in Mass that they would be paying more under Obamacare or subsidizing other states did not go over well. Not at all and the Lousiana and Nebraska bribes were just salt in their wounds.

If the dems has said "we are going to implement a mass type system and all the analysts agree that people in Mass will be paying half of what they pay now" then they would have had something to work with. But it didnt go that way. In the true socialist form, everything is promised as being free up front and then you try to ease them into the fact that it costs more. That didnt work out there.
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Re: We Win!!

Now we just need to make sure Sarah Palin isn't the one running in 2012 or I'm afraid we'll lose again. No matter how bad it gets, I can't see her winning. I say Mitt Romney with Condoleeza Rice.
Re: We Win!!

Now we just need to make sure Sarah Palin isn't the one running in 2012 or I'm afraid we'll lose again. No matter how bad it gets, I can't see her winning. I say Mitt Romney with Condoleeza Rice.

Mitt is an old face, republicans need someone not as associated with washington as the rest..... Bloomberg & Condoleeza! Thats a ticket I would vote for!
Ive heard rumors that Steve Wynn has considered running in 2012, now that would be interesting!
Re: We Win!!

I could see Scott Brown as a viable presidential candidate in 2016 if not in 2012. He'll have the same amount of experience as Obama if he runs in 2012 when his seat is up.
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