Web Design, Why Does It Matter ?

Last I heard he has a Hummer completely wrapped that he drives around LA. Pretty sweet from what I've heard (again from the carriers).

He used to be a forum member when I first joined but got run off years ago.
You beat me to it by a few seconds Dave. He used to post here - was arguably the hardest working guys I'd seen and successful - hence he was promptly run off this board. It would be nice to see him come back.
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Good advice. It helps if they have a decade of experience, great references and no ghosts in their closet.

You can also learn some of the basics yourself instead of paying someone. But be careful. There have been some horror stories from Forum members regarding some changes that were made to their websites.

Personally,I have been lucky to have worked with quality people like Val, Mark, Dave and others. And Sam is an encyclopedia of knowledge as well.

WebNanny was not used in this post
WebKosovo was used in this post
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All things being what they may, the site below is certainly not "pretty" but it is a very effective insurance web site, and that comes from Anthem Blue Cross, not just my opinion.


That reminds me of my first web site... I was 13... I liked the random colors back then...
The term "ask oleg" does have a certain ring to it!

It's an Irish name.

O'leg couldn't figure out how to put the apostrophe in his URL.

Oleg used to spam us a lot. (Or is it alot?). You are right Dave, the guy writes a lot of BX business and shows up everywhere in search engines.

Even though he has broken most of the "rules" and the site is only a PR2, he is everywhere.

But I have always admired your (Fluker) site as well and it seems to have worked well for you, providing you with a very comfortable 7 figure income.
I was simply looking for feedback. I didnt expect people to be kind to my site or necessarily rank it better than yours. I did/do however believe they are on a similar level when it comes to usability.

I am not happy with the aesthetics of my site at all. And I have stated that on here before multiple times.

I have also posted on this site about how I have been considering a web designer for sc-lifeinsurance. (I believe I even started a thread about it, I cant remember though)
If you bothered reading or contributing to old threads before selling your services, you would have known that. I have even spoken to a few web design guys via this forum.
I also have one other existing site, and 2 possible sites in the works.

Here is the thing about my post:
From my posting I have received valuable feedback about my site and how to improve its usability and aesthetics.

I didnt expect better results than you.
The system wouldnt let me make a poll, but when I tried to the possible answers were:
a. mine
b. yours
c. they both suck

I expected C to be the majority of the responses.

But I was a possible customer of yours who gave you honest feedback about your site in a conversation that had become about your site and how it looked... and you just bashed my site instead.
Im sure that will really make potential clients want to show you their site...

Do you see my point? Not only do you come her just to sell your services, but you condescend people as well?
Im not the one who initially called your site out as not being user friendly.

I strongly disagreed about your point. And I could have used more constructive criticism towards your website, but since you used harsh words, I just returned the same.

Now I am sorry if you have hard feelings towards me, I could have actually made a nice design for you, but it is what it is.

I have no hard feelings towards you since you have made a very constructive reply(replies) which you took your time to write.

Also, don't take this the wrong way. The only reason I am writing this is because you made constructive replies, and I felt I owe you that much.
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but since you used harsh words, I just returned the same.

Im not trying to be mean, but based on the design of your site I would never use your web services.

The only saving grace on your site is the gallery of examples of webpages you have done. They look much better than your own website...

I didnt realize those were harsh words.
And I actually gave you a compliment on your example websites.

I only made that comment after multiple people made comments about the functionality of your site and you were still defending it.
And you go and compare my self designed site to a childs because I agreed with everyone else.

But yeah, Im the jerk.

You would think that a web design professional would listen when a bunch of prospective clients are telling him that his own site needs work...
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