Website Please Help Me

Insurance selling site: 32% bounce
Insurance selling site: 55% bounce
Insurance selling site: 78% bounce

Everything else being equal, which one is banished.
"The slow senseless thoughts crept as a half frozen worm through the brain and onto the quick reply form, not unlike a jackass disturbed by the maggots starting to hatch." @2011
Have not yet bothered to try. There are some harder challenges that I am winning first. However, I have even outlined the article. Might just make a video of it to post. Could you please send me a picture (with clothes on.) Make sure you add the words SEO, so I know which part is your head.
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Short-tail is for suckers. You're up riding high on the rankings then one day, boom, the bottom falls out.

If your business depends on traffic my advice is hit a lot of long-tail phrases. It's a lot more work but more secure. Right now my site site ranks for 35 different keyword phrases. I'm shooting for hundreds.

So go concentrate on stuff like "insurance training" and I'll concentrate on 200 long-tail phrases.

For example, I did this podcast two days ago and it's page 1 for 5 different long tail combinations: (Hint - Google LOVES podcasts)

Podcasts are also great reputation builders. My association sponsored one for Paul Jannereth last year. Google Paul Jannereth and click IHIAA internet radio.

This is page 1 for 3 different long-tail searches: Selling Health Insurance After Reform

This blog post is page 1 for 4 different phrases: Insurance Training 101 Using Desktop Share | Insurance Training Blog
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All this Google SEO stuff is getting crazy!
I mean everybody is scrambling and working and spending money just to one up the other guy on the Google page.
It's almost like we're all just a bunch of ticks trying to make it onto Google's nut sack!
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Here's how it works. People dedicate their entire existence to figuring out Google's algorithm. Then it gets exploited.

As we see from past years, people gamed Google with keyword stuffing, link mills, etc....and it works...until Google catches on and changes things up.

But it's not really hard it is. When someone searches a term on Google they have to be happy with the results. If not they'll find another engine. It's as easy as that.

So all the BS you'll read about SEO is irrelevant if you don't have a site that delivers what your audience is looking for.

"Tips and tricks" to write articles or any other thing you can possibly think of to drive traffic to a site that has little real value is a WASTE of time.

My point is create you site's content first. Make sure you're giving your target audience exactly what they're looking for. If not, does it really matter if 1,000 a day hit your site when you can't convert it monetarily?

This is what upsets me about SEO. I'll hear "I'm one page 1!!!!" Yes...and they're also borrowing money to put gas in their car since their traffic doesn't covert to dollars in their pocket.
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Right, I see what you're saying Google wants to deliver the best and most relevant "content" to its viewers.
So if your good enough to pass this hurdle then you still have got to be able to monetize it or its is all for not.
But then along comes something that knocks you down and you have to allocate time and resources to beat the new guy with the new trick. Today they like podcasts and youtube videos. What will they like tomorrow??
Do it right, and know what you are doing. During 15 years there are hardly any changes that I needed to do. I do my research first, and know where I will rank before I begin. Plus I know the number of monthly visitors. "Insurance Training 101 using deskshop share" does not even show as having visitors. So it is a total waste to even talk about.

You can try to rank for 100 keyword phrases, but if only 23 are worthwhile, you wasted a lot of time. Playing with SEO when you do not know what you are doing proves one thing. You do not have any real productive work to do.
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