Website Quote Forms

a quote form should be like a mini-skirt.... short enough to be attractive but long enough to cover the main parts

That is a great analogy! I agree 100%. Finding the perfect length can be tricky. How long or short that skirt needs to be will depend on a number of variables like your offer, your sales process, your traffic sources, etc. Of course testing is essential to finding the optimal length.

Basic contact information can work with quality traffic and an offer of a meaningful consultation. Proper positioning is important to make this work. For example, instead of competing with everyone else and focusing on low price and instant or quick quote focus on value, getting the best coverage and the need to understand what is available.

On the flip side if your position is quick quote and low price here is a little trick to improve conversion. Use a multi step form with a simple starter question like zip code. Ask for non personal information at first and after they have committed ask for contact information on the last page. This is a little more advanced and definitely requires testing, but can produce great results.
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