Website Traffic Builders

Web site SEO, use to be like thinking outside the box, everybody tried to out guess and out smart the search engines.

Not you must think within the box. While there is still some creative techniques for SEO, optimizing your site for what the search engines are looking for is king.

As Sam said, there is a way to get there, it just takes times and effort. Content, Link Building, Keywords, Headers, etc.. Search engine optimization is a process, not an event.

I enjoy the SEO part of doing web sites more than creating the site it's self.
I use a 10-word ad in Thrifty Nickel weekly shoppers that is generating 50 hits a day to my website and costs me about $30 a month. I went the whole SEO route but feel that direct advertising has paid better dividends. We started out with leads from Norvax, then NetQuote, then Leadco and now we utilize leads only from those that respond to our ads. I've been in the business for over 20 years and have never had so much fun.
If you want to learn about SEO, SERP and LSMFT, plan to take the equivalent of about a week off from your production to read, both books and online.

Most "services" that make the promises they do are only multi-submitting your site to various search engines which is basically unnecessary and ticks them off. Serious breaches of multi-submitting can result in penalization or even banning, especially with Google.

Before anyone gets into the nuts and bolts of this, they had better know how to prepare and submit a sitemap of their site. This basically is an outline of your site's pages and some relevant key information. Spend 3 hours at Google and other sites finding out what this is.

Start here: What is a Sitemap file and why should I have one?
I use a 10-word ad in Thrifty Nickel weekly shoppers that is generating 50 hits a day to my website and costs me about $30 a month. I went the whole SEO route but feel that direct advertising has paid better dividends. We started out with leads from Norvax, then NetQuote, then Leadco and now we utilize leads only from those that respond to our ads. I've been in the business for over 20 years and have never had so much fun.

50 hits a day is fantastic. Beats ppc by a landslide. What is the circulation? Also, care to share the 10 words???


Is this for Life or P/C

Would you be willing to share your ad copy? If not, I understand.
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Hits, depending on how they are defined, mean very little.

If you view a page with several elements like graphics, links, etc., then each of those elements will count as a "hit" with most tracking programs. So a single visitor can easily show 50 hits with a one visit.

The only really relevant test is the number of unique visitors.
Hits, depending on how they are defined, mean very little.

If you view a page with several elements like graphics, links, etc., then each of those elements will count as a "hit" with most tracking programs. So a single visitor can easily show 50 hits with a one visit.

The only really relevant test is the number of unique visitors.

Excellent point on web stats. I average something like 67,000 hits per month on my site, but the unique visitor count is about 3,200 a month. Don't know what I'd do if the hits count was actual visits LOL
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I would like to help anyone out who needs SEO tips. PM me your website and I'll give you a few hints to increase traffic.

I used to do this full-time before getting into insurance. I'm a firm believer in "what goes around, comes around." So, if you need help, hit me up.


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