Wellcare paying no commissions on pdp’s

This is about $ 5 to 6 thousand a year simply pulled out of my pocket by Centene. They also know that clients will not go anywhere else. I am sure that this is not kosher according to CMS rules, but yet some Wellcare people claim that they tried to correct their filings and CMS would not allow it. I am looking for the Class action bandwagon to start rolling. I disagree with all the naysayers. In this case the harm, and where and to whom done is easily quantifiable. The lawyers simply sue for the amount, stolen from agents, plus their fees, plus their expenses, plus possibly mental anguish for the agents having their commissions stolen.
Thinking about not signing a new contract with Wellcare bc I wouldn't sell their MAPD if it was the only option available and I see no reason to have me remain AOR for clients who stay on their PDP with Wellcare. This way I can tell the client I'm not contracted with Wellcare anymore so can't service you. Here is their toll-free number, good luck! Overwhelm the pieces of shit.
Thinking about not signing a new contract with Wellcare bc I wouldn't sell their MAPD if it was the only option available and I see no reason to have me remain AOR for clients who stay on their PDP with Wellcare. This way I can tell the client I'm not contracted with Wellcare anymore so can't service you. Here is their toll-free number, good luck! Overwhelm the pieces of shit.
What are the ramifications of not signing it beyond not being able to write for the vulchers?
This may not be the greatest idea. it will give you a sugar high of vengeance, but it may also make you miss out on a class action suit. This class-action suit will be different from many that people have participated in. In the upcoming action when /if it fires up, the damages are easily quantifiable. What remains are the legal fees and expenses that will simply get tacked on by the court when it settles.
This may not be the greatest idea. it will give you a sugar high of vengeance, but it may also make you miss out on a class action suit. This class-action suit will be different from many that people have participated in. In the upcoming action when /if it fires up, the damages are easily quantifiable. What remains are the legal fees and expenses that will simply get tacked on by the court when it settles.

How would you miss out on litigation by going to WellCare's event and giving them a piece of your mind?