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Isn't 1400 drugs extremely low?? Per q1medicare formularies are almost always 3000+.Here you go honcho.
Only 1 Aetna pdp plan for $45 mo in AZ with 590 ded and $5 tier 1
Michigan shows only 1 plan for $28
In 2025, we will offer SilverScript Choice as a non-commissionable product in all 50 states and Washington, D.C. We will continue to pay renewal commissions on all existing commissionable SilverScript PDP business. to offer reduced premiums in some regions to your prospects receiving Extra Help. SilverScript Choice offers a strong combination of brand and generic drugs with more than 1,400 drugs included on our formulary. Tier 1 drugs are no more than $5 at network pharmacies.
"No more than $5 at network pharmacies" is ambiguous. For some reason, in some situations standard pricing is cited. The term "Network pharmacies" includes preferred and standard. "No more than $5" implies also potentially less than $5 max and there's no mention of preferred pharmacies, I would still hold out hope that tier 1 drugs are $0 at preferred pharmacies.
Has anyone seen or heard that level of detail?
Does deductible apply to all tiers? In the past the majority of plans exclude tier 1 and 2, a few tier 1 only, and at least one also excluded tier 3. The first look at 2025 WC shows that their formerly $0 deductible plan now has deductible on tiers 4 and 5, a clear reduction in benefit from 2024.
WC's full deductible plan has been and still is labelled as designed for duals.
The Medicare Plan Finder and the Medicare & You handbook never state if any tier is deductible free. You can read between the lines at the Plan Finder by looking at the specific drug pricing details for a plan. But the only clear info on it is plan materials or the plan web site. This information gap at Medicare is baffling to me.