Wellcare paying no commissions on pdp’s

I'm in Illinois, near Chicago, many of mine have legit went to jail. And the one's that aren't are probably trying to dodge Federal indictments.

I hate to bring the (D) and (R) into this but these supposed "Democrat" (communist) politicians around here are the absolute worst.

You reach out on issues and most never get back to you, and some might get back to you a month later with a canned generic response about something that has nothing to do with what you're even writing them about.

I know there's many good normal Democrat citizens out there that mean well, but the leadership is communist and it's a joke.

I say that as a former Democrat, up until about 6 years ago. You know it's pretty bad when JFK's nephew, RFK Jr., is no longer in "The Party of JFK," and just endorsed a Republican. That about says it all.
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I'm in Illinois, near Chicago, many of mine have legit went to jail. And the one's that aren't are probably trying to dodge Federal indictments.

I hate to bring the (D) and (R) into this but these supposed "Democrat" (communist) politicians around here are the absolute worst.

You reach out on issues and most never get back to you, and some might get back to you a month later with a canned generic response about something that has nothing to do with what you're even writing them about.

I know there's many good normal Democrat citizens out there that mean well, but the leadership is communist and it's a joke.

I say that as a former Democrat, up until about 6 years ago. You know it's pretty bad when JFK's nephew, RFK Jr., is no longer in "The Party of JFK," and just endorsed a Republican. That about says it all.
A Republican near Chicago. Who knew.

If things get worse - and they will, just meet us at the extraction site. We'll be there to pick you up.

And speaking of Chicago. If I was to say Beetle Juice three times, do you think she would come back?
A Republican near Chicago. Who knew.

If things get worse - and they will, just meet us at the extraction site. We'll be there to pick you up.

And speaking of Chicago. If I was to say Beetle Juice three times, do you think she would come back?
There's a lot of us Republicans in the suburbs. The city residents are also slowly starting to wake up a little with the illegal immigration issue, but I still have zero hope of that ever going red. It won't. Even if most residents did, they cheat too much. But I will definitely take you up on the extraction zone offer if things get bad enough. Haha. Beetlejuice is still around working for a law firm, and she's also a teacher, believe it or not. And believe it, because it's Chicago, where logic and common sense goes to die.
There's a lot of us Republicans in the suburbs. The city residents are also slowly starting to wake up a little with the illegal immigration issue, but I still have zero hope of that ever going red. It won't. Even if most residents did, they cheat too much. But I will definitely take you up on the extraction zone offer if things get bad enough. Haha. Beetlejuice is still around working for a law firm, and she's also a teacher, believe it or not. And believe it, because it's Chicago, where logic and common sense goes to die.
Many years ago I was a GA for Mutual Trust. One of the vp's invited me up to the home office for a look around.

I said no. He actually got all pissy about it and asked why.

I said because it's January and rednecks don't do cold weather.
And second. There are Cubs up there. And I'm a diehard Cardinals fan.

He never had much to do with me after that.