What is "must have" advice for a newbie?

Good thing I'm not selling to you Todd! . All kidding aside, I establish a good rapport and make these statements in a humorous way. But I get my point accross. The point is, I'm the expert in the room and I'm going to make that clear.

Maybe I don't understand how it comes out, but in print it looks real bad!
I'm straight out accusing you of being a liar. You've lied to me in the past. You lied about Jody having rolled up thousands of dollars to you. I've had probably close to 10 agents who came on board with us after leaving you tell me the same story over and over how you talk God out of one side of your mouth and then go down the road smoking pot with them. All of those agents didn't just make that up and decide to just tell me the story out of the blue over about a years period. Even though I know it is just hearsay about that, 10 agents wouldn't just make it up.

You are know by your fruits.......and we do see the fruits of your actions. You're rotten in the core.
Agree totally, why argue the subject when enough agents know about his morals and integrity or lack there of. I know why he is that kind of christian he is so almighty he thinks he is actually glorious.
Agree totally, why argue the subject when enough agents know about his morals and integrity or lack there of. I know why he is that kind of christian he is so almighty he thinks he is actually glorious.

Yeah, probably best just to let it be. He is certainly not worth the effort.
Better to be thrown out of a house than fail out of the industry.

Most agents fail, because they are order takers.

Although I don't necessarily agree with everything that was posted, I do agree with the essence of it.

Agents SHOULD be in charge. Most agents that fail at this, fail to be in charge.

I should note that I don't get thrown out of houses. To the contrary I have the most amazing relationships with my clients.

In addition, my persistency is very high. To new agents, including the OP. It's not what you say, it's how you say it. Also, the quote above is correct. You must be in charge. Error on the side of beIng too authoritative.
It's not what you say, it's how you say it.

Spot on!

I have been amazed over the years what can be said if it is done sincerely and honestly. People are drawn to a person with passion and purpose.

You can fake it till you make it... but at some point... production numbers aside... to become a master of your trade in dealing with people...

You stop saying things to get signature and you start talking in such a way as to build relationships. :yes:
Not true you tried to recruit me while still with Equita for your own thing, I know exactly where I was and what I was doing. For a church guy making recruiting calls on a Sunday is shame on you.

Whatever you say, Chase, Jordan or whoever you are??

I was never a captive agent with Equita and always maintained other contracts and deals outside of them.

That is good you remember "Exactly where you were and what you were doing" because I don't remember you at all lol. Guess you didn't impress me or maybe it was all that pot smoking with those 10 agents, lol
There's a lot of opportunity to misinterpret things when we are limited to texting. If you and I were sitting down speaking, we could clarify, elaborate, and put into perspective our thoughts. In the end we would probably agree on much and disagree on some.

Probably so. You know, at the time I was working upstate SC it had some of the best senior demographics in the US. Is it still that way? I just don't keep up with that like I used to when I was in the field.
Yes, and they do as they are told!

OK, Just kidding. Sometimes I can not help myself.

Ya'll make fun, but this is literally the skill that makes or break a Final Expense agent.

Telling them what to do in a way that they laugh at, but still do what you say.