What is "must have" advice for a newbie?

You wave at the front of the house as soon as you step out of the car.

Alot of people, will peep our their blinds to see who just slammed their door.

If they see you waving, it gives them the impression that you've seen them (even if you havent) so they are more likely to answer the door.

I was trained to do this when I was selling face to face, I did it, Im not sure if it worked or not, and if I was still selling face to face, Id still do it.

Its not going to stop people from answering the door.

That's pretty much it, but when you describe it this simply, for some odd reason they think you're telling them to stand out front and just keep waving and waving and looking like Gomer Pyle or something. Totally wrong. It's just one simple wave and done. Not a big deal.

Had a lady tell me once that she didn't know who I was but when I waved she figured she must know me somehow. I never saw her looking out, but she sure saw me!
I'm straight out accusing you of being a liar. You've lied to me in the past. You lied about Jody having rolled up thousands of dollars to you. I've had probably close to 10 agents who came on board with us after leaving you tell me the same story over and over how you talk God out of one side of your mouth and then go down the road smoking pot with them. All of those agents didn't just make that up and decide to just tell me the story out of the blue over about a years period. Even though I know it is just hearsay about that, 10 agents wouldn't just make it up.

You are known by your fruits.......and we do see the fruits of your actions. You're rotten in the core.

I'm not so sure you were not smokin weed when you wrote that mess. You are like a woman protecting her man from some hussey the way you act in this forum. This guy is threatening your turf and you got your hair up. Well whoopity whoop whoop whoop honey.
You wave at the front of the house as soon as you step out of the car.

Alot of people, will peep our their blinds to see who just slammed their door.

If they see you waving, it gives them the impression that you've seen them (even if you havent) so they are more likely to answer the door.

I was trained to do this when I was selling face to face, I did it, Im not sure if it worked or not, and if I was still selling face to face, Id still do it.

Its not going to stop people from answering the door.

A bigger part of my work is on the phone. So the wave does not help. I just changed my caller ID to "Your Mom" ;)
You know, every time I've heard an agent make fun of "the wave" and then I ask them exactly what it was....no one has yet to be able to tell me exactly what it is. So, seems to me that everyone likes to make fun of something and put down something that they don't even understand. Amazes me to no end.

I know what it is. You taught it to me lol. You were my original IMO Todd, remember? Well, except for that 3 week stint with Mark Rosenthal.

Guy had me out there throwing bottles of water at people. And I made like 5000 discount cards. Never got one piece of business haha.
I know what it is. You taught it to me lol. You were my original IMO Todd, remember? Well, except for that 3 week stint with Mark Rosenthal.

Guy had me out there throwing bottles of water at people. And I made like 5000 discount cards. Never got one piece of business haha.

Holy crap! I would throw you out of my house in a heartbeat if you did that. If you pushed me a little bit about it I would physically throw you out. Is this seriously what you try to teach?

The Medicare Millionaire sure sounds like hes done this a few times which is more then you do.
I'm not so sure you were not smokin weed when you wrote that mess. You are like a woman protecting her man from some hussey the way you act in this forum. This guy is threatening your turf and you got your hair up. Well whoopity whoop whoop whoop honey.

I had to copy and paste this because you didn't do it correctly, but it's all good.

There is something long-standing behind this that is years before your time on the forum. You simply do not understand what is going on here, that's all. It has nothing to do with protecting anything except maybe some new agent coming along thinking he is actually what he purports to be. He was never a threat to me nor is anyone else, so guess again. You seem to be doing a lot of guessing about me lately. One of these days you might just get it right. I doubt it, but maybe.
You know, every time I've heard an agent make fun of "the wave" and then I ask them exactly what it was....no one has yet to be able to tell me exactly what it is. So, seems to me that everyone likes to make fun of something and put down something that they don't even understand. Amazes me to no end.

Also funny when they say it doesn't work. How would one measure results on if it worked or not. :D

I agree that I would never tell anyone their house smells like dog or do the feet shuffle or the wave for that matter lol, but taking control is key.

When we go to sit down, we ask "So where's the VIP section, the kitchen?" (as I start walking that way) Now I don't have to sit in the pee stained couch AND I controlled the whole situation with them not realizing it.

Policy review: Long before we get to that point. "So most of my clients either put their policy on top of the fridge, in their closet or in the top drawer of their dresser..where'd you put yours (smile)?" Now they just told me where it's at. Later on, "Ok we'll need to take a look at your current policy (explain why). You said it was in your dresser, go grab that for me real quick." Look down and start writing.

Prescription list: Same as above. "Ok I bet your taking a few meds for that. Can you either go grab me all your meds or you could just grab a list if you have one. (smile) You didn't know you'd be getting your workout in today did ya? haha" Look down and start writing.

If you don't take control and "order" them around like above, your objections are going to come from every angle.

Medicare Millionaire does not direct them to the kitchen table, they sit where it's most comfortable. His way of taking control, after warming them up and letting them know their house smells like dog, is by saying,
"I'm the life insurance expert in this room. I'm the one that explains how the plans work, not you"
Then everybody shares a big laugh.
Also funny when they say it doesn't work. How would one measure results on if it worked or not. :D

Medicare Millionaire does not direct them to the kitchen table, they sit where it's most comfortable. His way of taking control, after letting them know their house smells like dog, is by saying,
"I'm the life insurance expert in this room. I'm the one that explains how the plans work, not you"
Then everybody shares a big laugh.

I'm not disagreeing with you? Or him. I agree that taking control is key. As he said, we probably agree on much more than we disagree.

I've just sat in enough nasty couches (roaches, wet, bed bugs etc) that I direct them to kitchen table if at all possible.
Medicare Millionaire does not direct them to the kitchen table, they sit where it's most comfortable. His way of taking control, after warming them up and letting them know their house smells like dog, is by saying,
"I'm the life insurance expert in this room. I'm the one that explains how the plans work, not you"
Then everybody shares a big laugh.

See now the second this guy said he could care less if they went to the kitchen table or not I knew he was more legit then most around here. I could care less where they want to sit. I don't need to be in their face at the kitchen table scribbling B.S on a yellow legal pad to close a sale. I have sold to insurance to people in their garages and basements and sheds and barns and back yards, on the porch in a restaurant you name it I've done it. Getting them to the kitchen table is not important.