What is the best advice for someone starting out in selling life insurance?

Just remember: "Yeah... and making a recommendation without doing a complete fact-find or establishing the value behind the recommendation or the motivation for purchase? "Have you considered single premium life? Because I really think that could be the ticket for you?" Ugh!"
Honestly Rich, ours is a hard industry.
No one likes the subject of death.
Insurance agents, sometimes, are prone to miss-selling products.
Our products are confusing.

Hit the road doing what is right for your customers and you may succeed.
I agree with jboussea. The question is too broad.

The senior market ranges from FE to estate planning. Then there is the younger family market that might want mortgage insurance or a UL to cover their kids college education.

And so on.

Who do you want to sell what to?
why it would be hard:
-only having one carreir/captive
-Cold calling/knocking
-low compensation

why it would be doable(nothing about this is easy)
-Being a broker/you'll have multiple carriers so it gives you a better chance at making sales, not being replaced or replacing others
-Leads will enable you not to have to cold call and stand in the middle of the street passing out business cards
-Decent/street level compensation will enable you to eat every night
Why is selling life insurance hard? Why is it easy? What are the most important aspects of selling life insurance?

I see you ask a lot of vague open ended questions, with no clear goal of closure. It's clear you don't need any help with any sort of problem, or seek to find any sort of specific solution. Why do you ask these questions? Are you just seeking some sort of amusement by asking aimless open questions?

Please tell me, what's your deal?
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