What would national healthcare look like?

Hard to imagine being happier than being in America!!!

But I guess it's fashionable these days to bash the US, what with our "most philanthropic nation in the history of the earth" status and all.

I'm trying to remember the last time I lamented over a bowl of bangers about how miserable I am here in the good ol' US of A... what with the most profitable corporations on the face of the earth (and the largest) and how down-trodden I am, because I'm supposed to "take care of myself" and "my government" doesn't do enough for me.....

..... C'mon....... let's hear it about how the CEO's of America are way too overpaid and we need to take the profits of the oil companies.......


No, no, no. Gawwwwddaahhhhmmmm the US of KKKK.

nataional health care----just one more reason for people not take responsiblity for there personal health, "heck I can smoke, eat, drink all I want to I have a national heath card"...

Here is the deal,,,,health care starts on the dinning room table not on the operating table. Or put another way: health care starts in the home not in the hospital..
Sorry for the rant but one other interesting thing. Those crazy liberal Europeans and their high taxes outscore us when it comes to being happy. :mad:

Yes....happiness being defined as paying 50+ percent to the gov't and letting them do everything - turns people into ambitionless slobs.

How's the French space program going? How 'bout the Swedish space shuttle?

The world depends on us for our drive and ambition to develope new innovations. The U.S. is the place for people who have passion for success.

Smallest book in the world? "English Medical Breakthroughs"

If you want to lay around on a 6 week vacation then yes, go to France and be happy.
If you want to lay around on a 6 week vacation then yes, go to France and be happy.

Where do I sign up?

Ambition? Then explain our students' scores on math and science. According to TIMSS 2003 US students scored lower in math than:

South Korea
Hong Kong

I'd give you our ranking in health care but the list would be three times longer.

Btw you might instead choose to look at the OECD/PISA 2003 (page 17) where the US ranks 24th. That report is from the US department of education.

US Ambition hard at work! :SLEEP:
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Don't worry, your vote for Obama will serve to FIX all of these horrible issues that makes this such a happy-less, number-challenged society.... and by the way... let's rank the QUALITY of healthcare after the Dem's nationalize it.... do ya think it will go UP?

<============== my avatar says it all!!
A vote for the republicans is not much different nowadays, they are both {parties} a big bunch of big tax and big spending do gooders. Both parties. They take our money and spend it the way they see fit. And pocket some of it. Most Politicians: the root of all evil. Some of the independent thinking ones- and libertarians- are not like that. We are headed down the road to national healthcare of some sort.