- 2,908
Hard to imagine being happier than being in America!!!
But I guess it's fashionable these days to bash the US, what with our "most philanthropic nation in the history of the earth" status and all.
I'm trying to remember the last time I lamented over a bowl of bangers about how miserable I am here in the good ol' US of A... what with the most profitable corporations on the face of the earth (and the largest) and how down-trodden I am, because I'm supposed to "take care of myself" and "my government" doesn't do enough for me.....
..... C'mon....... let's hear it about how the CEO's of America are way too overpaid and we need to take the profits of the oil companies.......
No, no, no. Gawwwwddaahhhhmmmm the US of KKKK.