What would national healthcare look like?

Somehow, the insurance companies will figure out how to make huge jack and the politicians will stick some cash in their pockets and the hospitals are going to all be "charity" cases but the doctors are going to be the ones not making as much money. I guess, if you listen to some of them in that Frontline special I posted up.
Current federal deficits on existing programs won't allow for a National Program... but SHOULD the Dem's win... continue to watch them erode the backdoor to the FEHP... as the Clinton's did when in office. In essence, making the gov't program larger without it coming to a popular vote.

One point.... keep in mind that even if IT WERE TO COME ABOUT... you're talking about 5-7 years from next year before anything even STARTS....

I personally beleive the Amercian public will simply not stand for anything but a free-enterprise/captial-based health care system.

A safety net concept might work on a national scale... but Hillary's plan as it currently stands is as doomed as her ideas in the 90's.

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"Because every Massachusetts citizens should have health care coverage they can count on."

If it takes 5-7 years to get it going, did Mass. start like at the turn of this century? I think you are going to see states follow the lead of Mass. Maybe even the see the feds mandate that each state follow Mass.
The Mass plan is a huge failure and employers are opting out and paying the penalty....some other *** States might try the connector route, but will end up costing tax-payers a ton of money.

I suppose someone will start touting the SUCCESS? of other government programs on this post as precursors to why Nat'l Health Care will happen..... OH... that's right..... THERE ARE NO OTHER FEDERAL PROGRAMS THAT ARE SUCCESSFUL!!!

Hmmmmm.... more government..... that's the answer to the problem! Yeah, right!
I believe the question was not will it happen or if it's good, but what would it look like.

I don't see many people, even our resident socialist answering the question.


I believe the question was not will it happen or if it's good, but what would it look like.

I don't see many people, even our resident socialist answering the question.


Thanks Rick. It seems to be the norm for the original posts on this forum to morph into something completely different. I'm guilty of that as well.

Not only would I love to hear what others think it may look like, but also what opportunities that would present for those of us that offer health insurance as part of our business model. Of course, a completely nationally run plan may eliminate the need for individual and group health insurance completely.

It is amazing to me how some think health care is a "right" and that I am somehow responsible for paying for it. And if I don't want to, it makes me greedy and uncaring.

Maybe we'll get someone to bite. Or maybe it's a question not worth discussing.
The NH (National health) system in England may be run by the government, (or one of its 10,000 departments). However every week there is a deduction in your paycheck specifically for this. Of course it is not a "tax" it is a contribution, however it is still money out of pocket.
What I would like to know is how much will our contribution be??
Also doctors in the NH do not make a fraction of the money paid to doctors here,say what you will, I do not see the medical profession taking a 70% pay cut without one hell of a fight. Especially as they had to pay for their education at medical school.
Also England will no longer pay the medical expenses of aliens, legal or not. It was crippling the system. How will that go over with LULAC etc.
Surely no body can be so stupid as to think a National system can be implemented here without a massive tax (or contribution) increase. That would go over like a concrete parachute.
Of course Hillary or Obama never mention any of the unsavory details like that. They seem to think that people actually believe in something for nothing.
Of course in England we have "The Cuppa". It is a well know fact that a good strong cup of tea and a cigarette will cure everything from a broken finger to lung cancer.
As much as some people may want a national healthcare system it could never work in America. Certain politicians have been touting National Healthcare for decades, has it happened yet? I don't think so. And the Mass. thing is a terrible failure. Costing too many people too much, businesses are choosing to pay fines over the astronimical costs of covering employees. And if you think for one minute the drug companies (who practically own this country) will let it happen you're wrong. Our society is based on free enterprise, hence, our healthcare system. It'll never change. What has to happen is there needs to be a third impartial party to oversee medical costs and necessity. The problem is that doctors can dictate their own income. What other industry can the provider of services tell the customer when they are to receive goods and how much. OK Mr Jones, I want to see you back in my office in 2 weeks... or 3.... depending if my daytimer is full. And who pays the bill?That's the problem.
The question is equivalent of asking Americans' 100 years ago, what cars in 2008 would look like?

As we move healthcare from a wholesale environment to a retail one... I can envision the STATES enacting a "safety-net" requirement. Liken it to the mandate of having to own car insurance.... they tell you what the MINIMUM's are but not the ceiling.... of course, you still have those Yahoo's who drive with no coverage.