When is the best time to switch someone

Caveat, NOT an agent.

(Although I did loose 50% of my non-agent PDP client base to death a few years ago. :twitchy:)

Just because you CAN craft an MA application which an insurance carrier will accept, it does not mean you SHOULD do so.

Your posts above, and the post you made elsewhere about being taught how to do "compliant cold calling" by your FMO's travelling show, suggest there is a nuance there which you may be blind to.

The grey area is in the USE OF SEP's, not the EXISTENCE OF SEP's.

Every time you write coverage of some type using a SEP, You are making a business ethics decision.
Because you are not an agent I don’t value your opinion. I’d still be friends with you but I’m looking for advice from my peers.
Because you are not an agent I don’t value your opinion. I’d still be friends with you but I’m looking for advice from my peers.
Caveat, not an agent.

The point I expressed is the point @TwoCents has been expressing to fellow insurance professionals for at least the last 3 years of the time I have been a forum member.

@straightnochaser and I can have some discussion on this matter because:

I think he understands what I am saying and thinks my opinion sucks because I am not an agent dealing with the economic realities of earning a living selling insurance and don't understand the obligation he feels he has to help his clients obtain health and drug coverage.

On the other hand, I think some agents' actions in regard to SEP's stretch legality.

@straightnochaser and I will coexist here in some manner or another.

My concern for you, based on your posts, is that you are blind to the issue and are unable to make fully informed decisions for your business activities as a result.
I am not doubting you at all but when I switch someone this late in the year I don't start renewals until the same time next year. Maybe I'm just not looking at my commissions sheet well. That is one thing I don't look at much. I have an accountant.
There’s no such thing as renewal commissions. You may not qualify for the carrier’s bonuses. You’re paid PMPM. Please make sure you have a CONSENT form, recordings and/or emails/texts. Remember, you have to keep those records for ten (10) years.
There’s no such thing as renewal commissions. You may not qualify for the carrier’s bonuses. You’re paid PMPM. Please make sure you have a CONSENT form, recordings and/or emails/texts. Remember, you have to keep those records for ten (10) years.
What do you mean by consent form? We are talking about commissions. Does CMS want us to have a consent form for commissions as well?
Caveat, not an agent.

The point I expressed is the point @TwoCents has been expressing to fellow insurance professionals for at least the last 3 years of the time I have been a forum member.

@straightnochaser and I can have some discussion on this matter because:

I think he understands what I am saying and thinks my opinion sucks because I am not an agent dealing with the economic realities of earning a living selling insurance and don't understand the obligation he feels he has to help his clients obtain health and drug coverage.

On the other hand, I think some agents' actions in regard to SEP's stretch legality.

@straightnochaser and I will coexist here in some manner or another.

My concern for you, based on your posts, is that you are blind to the issue and are unable to make fully informed decisions for your business activities as a result.
Here is the scenario. Member lives in Iowa and member used AEP but not OEP but could have. So you are suggesting that if an Agent used the FEMA disaster SEP for say swine flu, that is illegal and an agent can be punished for that? I truly don’t believe any member really missed an AEP or OEP because of a tornado that happened in April, yet the SEP still exists and almost every agent in this country would use it. You are saying this is illegal? And if it is illegal or unethical the onus is on you to prove.
Here is the scenario. Member lives in Iowa and member used AEP but not OEP but could have. So you are suggesting that if an Agent used the FEMA disaster SEP for say swine flu, that is illegal and an agent can be punished for that? I truly don’t believe any member really missed an AEP or OEP because of a tornado that happened in April, yet the SEP still exists and almost every agent in this country would use it. You are saying this is illegal? And if it is illegal or unethical the onus is on you to prove.
You sound like you care if LD gives you his blessing. Ask yourself this - Why?
Here is the scenario. Member lives in Iowa and member used AEP but not OEP but could have. So you are suggesting that if an Agent used the FEMA disaster SEP for say swine flu, that is illegal and an agent can be punished for that? I truly don’t believe any member really missed an AEP or OEP because of a tornado that happened in April, yet the SEP still exists and almost every agent in this country would use it. You are saying this is illegal? And if it is illegal or unethical the onus is on you to prove.
Because I have ethical autism.