When is the best time to switch someone

That’s just not how it works. Hasn’t in a decade.

Every single MAPD company must pay renewals starting in Jan.
Well don’t some companies pro rate your commission? Humana pro rates my first year commission and that way renewals start in January. But BCBS of La. Pays me the full $611 for a T65, regardless of what month we’re in. Then renewals would start in the 13th month.
That’s how I thought it worked.
Well don’t some companies pro rate your commission? Humana pro rates my first year commission and that way renewals start in January. But BCBS of La. Pays me the full $611 for a T65, regardless of what month we’re in. Then renewals would start in the 13th month.
That’s how I thought it worked.

If they are not new to MAPD then you’ll get the prorated rate for the rest of the year. But, no matter what, each company must pay their renewals to start the next year.
If they’ve ever had a pdp card ( usually have Medicaid ) then they get medicare and you enroll for lets say a 9/1 effective date . Every carrier I’ve seen pays you the prorated trueup is only 4 months are $210. Last yr aep i ran into a ton of dual who just got medicare or they had Medicare and medicaid . With a 1/1 effective date you make the full $610.
Caveat - we know.
Which is why it becomes a "serious" ethics question.

There is a whole eco-system of carriers, medicare beneficiaries, medicare fmo's, and insurance agents who are all individually affected by every application of each individual party's interpretation of grey area loopholes.
Which is why it becomes a "serious" ethics question.

There is a whole eco-system of carriers, medicare beneficiaries, medicare fmo's, and insurance agents who are all individually affected by every application of each individual party's interpretation of grey area loopholes.
There is no gray area! If an SEP exists it exists.
Ok, let's try it this way.

Why is an insurance agent allowed to write an application for MA coverage using one of those SEP's?
Call CMS or any carrier and say this. Hi I have a client that could have used AEP or OEP but, I see I can still use this disaster SEP is that OK? What do you think they will say? Has anyone truly ever “missed” an AEP because of a drought? Or are you upset because another agent used something to his and the clients advantage and it took one of your clients away?
Call CMS or any carrier and say this. Hi I have a client that could have used AEP or OEP but, I see I can still use this disaster SEP is that OK? What do you think they will say? Has anyone truly ever “missed” an AEP because of a drought? Or are you upset because another agent used something to his and the clients advantage and it took one of your clients away?
Caveat, NOT an agent.

(Although I did loose 50% of my non-agent PDP client base to death a few years ago. :twitchy:)

Just because you CAN craft an MA application which an insurance carrier will accept, it does not mean you SHOULD do so.

Your posts above, and the post you made elsewhere about being taught how to do "compliant cold calling" by your FMO's travelling show, suggest there is a nuance there which you may be blind to.

The grey area is in the USE OF SEP's, not the EXISTENCE OF SEP's.

Every time you write coverage of some type using a SEP, You are making a business ethics decision.