Which Carriers Are Paying Commissions?

thats not even advice- thats just being a jerk and anyone who upvotes a jerk has issues just like the jerk...and oh yeah a forum is for asking questions like the hundreds of others doing so...

shows the pathetic immaturity involved..
and you're the moron who's totally wrong- agents will be selling. There are other companies out there on the exchange. But being the dunce you are and the arrogant non know it all, you have no clue

You just have no clue-those of us who are telling you it's a waste of time have, among us, thousands of Marketplace clients in our books of business and have spent enormous amounts of time learning every detail about which companies might still offer plans next year.

You have done none of this so knock yourself out do whatever you want, just remember that UHC, Aetna, Humana, and Coventry, among others, have already walked away from Marketplace plans in most of the country. I'm sure you will be quite successful with all those other companies (who you are unable to name even though there is a Marketplace website that shows every company that has filed rates in each state and the increases requested for next year) that will be offering plans.
im a little confused about obamacare- is humana not paying commissions for upcoming open enrollment? If so, which carriers are?

In PA you want to sell the following carriers

UPMC is paying 24 PMPM Partner Network for silver plans
UPMC is paying 11 PMPM Premium Network for silver plans.
UPMC has been very good at paying broker commissions on time and accurate.
UPMC is very strong throughout Western Pa.

Capital Blue Cross is paying 20 PMPM for HMO or PPO sales.
Capital has been excellent at paying broker commissions on time and accurate.
Capital is very strong throughout Central Pa.

Independence Blue Cross
IBX is paying 3.4% for Gold
IBX is paying 4.25% for Silver
IBX is the strongest carrier in the 5 county Phila area.
IBX has been a mixed bag for paying broker commission on time. 1st year of the ACA was a mess but has gotten much better at paying. From time to time we still encounter missing cases

In NJ the big two that pay are

AmeriHealth of NJ ( owned by Independence Blue Cross ) 25 PCPM for all plans
AmeriHealth has been pretty good a paying commissions on time.

Horizon BCBS of NJ
Horizon Advantage 9.74 PCPM ( best network ) very few buy it
Horizon OMNIA 20.88 PCPM most purchase this

Horizon has been poor at paying commissions and lots of missing cases.

I hope this helps.