- 897
In regards to DigFE105's comments
I have never been involved is setting up criteria in regards to the leads I purchase. I have been told they already use the age group of 50 to 80. Do all of the leads fall in that group no, but the vast majority do.
In regards to income I am not sure what they are using and I have never given it much thought because I have alwasy been under the impression the financial data is a guess at best.
In regards to buying FE leads I am under the impression that income is not all that relevant anyway. Most of my business is written with people who are on a very fixed income. And I am not sure I would want it any other way. If I was going to start looking for Anuities I might want them to up the income but I don't plan on doing that any time soon.
Currently when I buy 25 leads 8 to ten normally pan out quite well. What is most tiring is working the other 15 to 17 flakes.
Bottomline for me is I am not 100% sure what kind of criteria they are using when they get me the leads but my thought process tells me if i want an improvement in my production I should be looking more at getting a better sales presentation and less at the quality of my leads.
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Also, Is there something wrong with being a bottom feeder?
Don't get me wrong. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I was just pointing out that being on both ends(selling and developing telemarketed leads) we used to...let me start over...we upload our own data for our marketers to develop leads on then I send them to my agents....so we used to upload data for income $16K-$50K and ages 0-85. It was fine but when we fine tuned to income of $25K-$75K and ages 50-80...we just found more of a "solid" customer.
That's all. Knowing what I know now...it is only a positive if you requested that criteria as the burden would be on your lead company to get those. It would be a bit harder and might take longer but if you're closing those kinds of numbers off of what you're running, I don't tweaking your script is the key. You might just get that 2-3 more better suited customers is all?
Just throwing it out there is all.