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Working Health Insurance Leads


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
I wanted to know if anyone could give me some pointers on working with health insurance leads.

What process do you find works when contacting customers. Do you quote them over the phone or call them back? What do you do if you cannot get ahold of the customer on the phone etc...

Sorry I am new and still learning what works.


Dave...this topic is one of the most common discussions on the Board. Your best bet might be to "search" under that topic, and you'll get a lot of information...and I mean a lot!

Of course, a lot depends on how you are obtaining your prospects.
I fiugured I would ask some opinions but I will take a look around the forum.

Thanks Chumps!
I'm new as well, but from my short experience, CALL CALL CALL. It sometimes takes 25 calls or more to get someone on the phone. Be that persistent agent, and you will write deals. It's worked so far for me.
I'm new as well, but from my short experience, CALL CALL CALL. It sometimes takes 25 calls or more to get someone on the phone. Be that persistent agent, and you will write deals.

Hmmm. Lemme ask you this: when you chase a dog, what does it do? That's right, it runs away.

It's worked so far for me.
Do you have any accurate stats on how many apps you write, and what percentage of the total that it is when you reach them on the 25th call?

A strategy of attraction is not only more powerful, it's more effective, more profitable - all with less frustration!
I call with a private number so it doesn't LOOK LIKE I called 25 times lol. I have been buying shared leads for 6 weeks now, spent close to 1700 on them, and have written 13 apps so far out of those leads. Out of those 13, 2 were people I chased. By chase, I dont mean that I leave 20 messages and make them want to kill me. I just call at all different hours of the day, sometimes making first contact a full week after buying the lead. If we purchase a lead, at least we should get somebody on the phone to either listen to us, or rip our heads off. I'm sure my numbers are bad compared to pros, but I'm happy with my progress so far.
Please share how I can implement a strategy of attraction? I'll thank you, and so will my kids after getting a better life.
Of course I am persistent, I sold cars for seven years before health insurance. I just wanted to know how some of the veteran agents are working their leads.
Please share how I can implement a strategy of attraction? I'll thank you, and so will my kids after getting a better life.

Wow, putting your kid's "better way of life" on me is pretty heavy. I've got my own kids to worry about!

My experience with working shared internet health leads is that it's as much art as science. Some food for thought:

A system of voice, voice messages and emails has to be devised that first and foremost sells...YOU, and your unique expertise.

So the first question you've got to ask yourself is what do you bring to the table? What is your unique expertise? Some people call it "USP" - Unique Selling Proposition. Why YOU instead of all these other peckerwoods that are calling?

Once you know that, you can relay it in your marketing.

Today, I've had two calls made to me from shared internet leads I received on Tuesday (1/13) of this week. They each had received two emails, a current issue of my e-newsletter, and a voice message. I didn't even send 'em a quote. On Tuesday when they went online, they were bombarded with voice mails, and their inboxes stuffed with quotes.

As my good friend somarco advises, "let the dust settle a little before wading in."

I'm a bit of a contrarian, and I firmly believe this: if you do the same things everyone else is doing, you'll get the same results everybody else is (are?) getting.