Wow Ben Bowman Was Going to Leave 360 and Go to Efes?

I'm not seeing this the way you guys are. It doesn't appear to me to have been Brad's decision at all. It's the agent's decision isn't it? If all the managers involved freely release agents then it comes down to the agent deciding where he wants to go. Not the managers and not the up line.

Now if the upline (in this case Brad) transfered the agent without Ben signing off on a release first, then I agree that Brad WAY overstepped a boundary. BUT if Ben has always stated that he will release agents and the agent clearly wanted to go elsewhere then Ben did need to release him. Regardless of whether he wanted to go to another agency within 360 or outside. I don't see where that makes any difference. It's ultimately the agent's decision.

I don't see how those type of situations could be avoided at agencies with that setup of various managers actively recruiting under the same general brand. Matt is out there actively pitching his hooks (the squad team, his own success in the field, etc.) to the masses. That's how he attracts agents. Some are going to get hooked that are already under the same organization under a different manager. I don't see how those situations wouldn't come up every once in a while.

It's no different than Ben having a lot of buzz right now at EFES. He's the new guy with new ideas for them. Is it impossible to think that one of Joe Chiacco's guys or Josh's guys isn't thinking "Hey I wish I was under this Boman guy or Springbok."

There are always going to be guys that get caught up in the recruiting pitches. Or maybe they just aren't perfectly a match for the guy they are under for what ever reason. Even me Newby (the most beloved forum member of all time) has people that I just don't gel with. We all do.

So the only crime that I see that Matt did was attract an agent that was already within the organization. He should discourage the agent as a courtesy to Ben if they were friends. But it's ultimately the agent's decision.

When an agency has those different channels I would think that stuff comes up every once in a while.

Don't fall out of your chair Scott as I know I'm not always giving you an AMEN but your comments were spot on. I had no idea this thread had devolved into what it has and saw my name being thrown around so I thought I'd chime in.

From the beginning every single thing I setup has been from the agents perspective, do different than what FEX does. Hell come to think of it I do find it beyond ironic that the flavor of the day on here is EFES here and EFES that and in fact EFES even existing back in 08'-09' is pretty much the sole reason I started 360 and out of that FEX was born as well. The reason? At that time there was not a single agent focussed group in the county that had fair contracts, fixed price leads, training and open releases. At that time the only box EFES could check would have been fixed price leads so there was a huge gap there. Up until Ben went there they were in my view a sinking ship until that day. That is not a knock on Eric as I think he's a good dude, but just the overall structure was clearly not getting any traction in the market. Will that change now, time will tell.

Back to all the rest of this stuff about who did what and to whom. As it pertains to me, my focus is what's best for the agent and I tried not to get in the middle of squabbles. It was hard as for a time there was a lot of squabbling and 90% of the agents were moving in one direction so it caused some friction. It's unfortunate to say the least that it came to that but it for sure did. The bottom line is that when an agent's needs are being met they don't leave if they've been around the business for awhile. I don't think the same can be true for those that are still green as they will move for some of the dumbest reasons purely because they don't know any better or because their problem is the person in the mirror, not their upline.

Happy to answer anyone's questions as that's the one great thing about this forum in that stuff does tend to get aired out over time and that's a good thing.
Don't fall out of your chair Scott as I know I'm not always giving you an AMEN but your comments were spot on. I had no idea this thread had devolved into what it has and saw my name being thrown around so I thought I'd chime in.

From the beginning every single thing I setup has been from the agents perspective, do different than what FEX does. Hell come to think of it I do find it beyond ironic that the flavor of the day on here is EFES here and EFES that and in fact EFES even existing back in 08'-09' is pretty much the sole reason I started 360 and out of that FEX was born as well. The reason? At that time there was not a single agent focussed group in the county that had fair contracts, fixed price leads, training and open releases. At that time the only box EFES could check would have been fixed price leads so there was a huge gap there. Up until Ben went there they were in my view a sinking ship until that day. That is not a knock on Eric as I think he's a good dude, but just the overall structure was clearly not getting any traction in the market. Will that change now, time will tell.

Back to all the rest of this stuff about who did what and to whom. As it pertains to me, my focus is what's best for the agent and I tried not to get in the middle of squabbles. It was hard as for a time there was a lot of squabbling and 90% of the agents were moving in one direction so it caused some friction. It's unfortunate to say the least that it came to that but it for sure did. The bottom line is that when an agent's needs are being met they don't leave if they've been around the business for awhile. I don't think the same can be true for those that are still green as they will move for some of the dumbest reasons purely because they don't know any better or because their problem is the person in the mirror, not their upline.

Happy to answer anyone's questions as that's the one great thing about this forum in that stuff does tend to get aired out over time and that's a good thing.

Very good post. And to those reading, Brad did try to stay out of it and then he tried to "find a happy ground" for us. And Brad can even attest to the fact that my move was not because of my whole agency leaving. Only two moved and one was a HUGE relief that he moved. I just realized that my business mindset and this other person's was as far apart as they could be. I decided I could not be associated with them anymore, which sucked because I was 100% loyal to Brad and was with him this whole time.

I saw a problem and decided to find a solution. It worked out for me and has been great so far. Who knows what the future holds. Me and Brad both might be Billionaires or we might both be door greeters at Wal-Mart...who knows?

Who knows what the future holds. Me and Brad both might be Billionaires or we might both be door greeters at Wal-Mart...who knows?

No billionaire status in my future but I do enjoy the challenge of making as many millionaires as I can. As long as that gets done I'll be just fine.

Way too much as been made over the last several years of is this guy better than that guy or is this group better than that group as it pertains to known entities that post here and what's been lost almost entirely is that no matter who's being discussed they are still better than 99% of the rest of the market. The competition is not the other posters, the competition should be know posters who have to live with every single move in their business being on public display for the industry to read about and for guys who we don't even know their real name to comment on but yet we survive because the facts are on the table...VS....the rest of the market that operates in the shadows and for the most part has treated the agent like a piece of meat that their agency chews up and spits out when they are done.

I guess it makes for entertaining content for those that like that kind of thing but I do think it takes away from the true overall value of what the forum is and how it can help an agent find their way.
Took the words right out of my mouth. I have no dog in this hunt, but it is pretty funny.

Everyone brags about releases and such, but then when someone actually wants one...

Yes, apparently it was another peer within the larger agency and I certainly wouldn't be happy about it either, but someone took you up on your position and decided to see if the grass is greener elsewhere.

I wish everyone well and I suspect there is a lot more to this story than what we've been told so far.
I would have no problems with letting an agent go if he requested it for whatever reason. The problem would occur when another manager with the same organization actively recruited agents away from me. Especially if he met those agents through his relationship with me. And, if I were the IMO, while I would not prevent an agent from switching uplines, but I would tell the manager to cease actively recruiting other managers downline. .
I would have no problems with letting an agent go if he requested it for whatever reason. The problem would occur when another manager with the same organization actively recruited agents away from me. Especially if he met those agents through his relationship with me. And, if I were the IMO, while I would not prevent an agent from switching uplines, but I would tell the manager to cease actively recruiting other managers downline. .

No worries worked out for me and Brad will continue to grow as he always has. Hopefully Dougs agents are safe. Doug is a great guy!
EXCELLENT post from someone with some actual inside information about the situation!

It's unfortunate that this is still lingering. Let me tell you how this all started with...we will call him (Lil fella). This all started when an agent who had 1 (I REPEAT ONE) contract with Lil fella, approached me wanting to join my team. I asked the agent how many contracts he had with Lil fella. The agent said he ONLY had SNL with Lil fella and about 10+ scattered around at various places. I told the agent to keep that SNL contract with Lil fella and I'll gladly take all the others that were scattered around at other places. So that's EXACTLY what we did. I did that thinking that would keep the peace since I was not directly impacting Lil fellas business. Well, Lil fella didn't like that. I didn't see it the same way as Lil fella and I told Lil fella that I did not feel as though I did anything wrong. I simply took all the other carriers that Lil fella NEVER HAD TO BEGIN WITH.

I know Lil fella is the current "GOLDEN BOY" of the forum right now but some things are not always as clean as they appear. The very first post in this thread by Peteybear about 2 years ago was spot on. I was in the hotel room that day and heard everything Lil fella had to say FIRST HAND. Maybe he drank too much and doesn't remember but EVERYONE heard what he said that day. But right now it's Lil fellas time to bask in the sun. Lil fella is young and on a high right now. He's at a new spot with new toys and he's the current golden boy of the forum that can do no wrong at the moment. It's the same typical HONEYMOON phase I've seen over my countless years in this business.


Yea, there's ALWAYS 2 sides to every story. Unfortunately, the one that posts more gets heard.


I had a good chat with Doug yesterday morning so I'm not sure where you are coming from.

No offense but your training is not, nor ever would be desired by me. So not sure where you are trying to go with on that.


Unfortunately in a shake up like this, one may lose good agents in the process. What you tend to leave out is I also gained 2 of the top FE agents this Country has to offer from this same shake up. But don't flatter yourself, they didn't leave for you Lil fella. If they were leaving for you, they would have left me when you were at 360. They are leaving for the resources your new IMO provides. You are but a TINY FRACTION of that organization. Like Brad said in a previous post, 90% of the agents were going in one direction when you were still with us...MY DIRECTION!

You are in such a good place in your career right now, so my suggestion would be to drop the drama and move on to bigger and better things. Put this energy towards the agents you are trying to help. I'm typing this at 4AM and I will be up at 7AM fielding agent phone calls & I see you typing at 9AM, 10AM, 4PM and 7PM which is PRIME-TIME for our business. I see you have a lot of newbies that are SUPER EXCITED cheering you on in EACH & EVERY thread that could use your help, stay focused on them soldier.

I would like to put this stuff behind us and move forward in a positive direction. I think that would be the most beneficial thing both of us could do at this point. I think we both offer tremendous value to the people around us in our chosen field and going back-and-forth about this subject is taking away from that value.

you should PM who lil fella is lol

that name cracks me up
Read the thread. It's clear who he is referring to.


but i hate reading