YAL Lead...Wanna Hear What One Sounds Like?

Josh, yes those were for med supps. I think everyone gets the point that a good telemarketed lead should cost more than $20 but YAL was promising more than they could deliver and they are the ones that set the criteria for a good lead and didn't live up to their end of the bargain.


Maybe some people think its a quality lead. But clearly nfl and TPAAgent don't, and they were the ones buying it. The fault completely lies with YAL. MPS, you may feel its a quality lead, but it is clearly not what YAL promised. Who cares if it meets your standards, if its not what YAL said they were going to deliver and the agent thought he was buying.
again sorry for the typo,
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sory for that mess of emails. I thought it was pretty strange YAL would emial me about how great their company is!!!

I tried to post it and it posted numerous times

And Yes JD, easy that was a typo. I have not heard anything but good about you and your numbers. While I don't agre with some of your posts its hard to argue with your sucess

so agian please accept my apology for the typo. But I must admit, when I reread it it was kinda funny!

No problem! We're good.:)
Medicare stated

"If they already know what to expect before you get there then you're getting laydowns"

I say BS. That statement makes no sense at all. Those two things are not even related. The fact that I can give them info over the phone doesn't make them a laydown. Maybe I am just more confident than you. Try selling from a position of strength. Act like you have what they need and if they play their cards right you just might stop by and visit with them.

Try being honest with them and try teaching them something. Make it so they are excited to meet you. Be up front and be honest with them. Do you have something to hide? ( Other than your 20% closing ratio)! Try selling from a position of strenght and stop being weak.

I tell you what Medicare, although you need to pick fault with what most poeple say on this forum, I am starting to like you. This is what I am prepared to do for you.

I will let you work under me at say 65%. Let me show you how to sell and close and how to get clients to like you. People buy from those they like. Try being honest with them for a change. Then you won't be so afraid to give them info over the phone.

If I can't raise your closing ratio up to 40% in one week, I will give you 150 YAL leads for free.

And trust me , you will love them!
A few things:

You don't know my close ratio.

Apparently you don't do your own lead generation, which means you'll always be at the mercy of what someone else can do for you.

. Most of the tiime my appointments know exactly what to expect before I agree to meet with them.

If you're not generating your own leads, that means someone else is doing the hard part for you.

Merrill, stop making stuff up and being insulting to me. I'm perfectly honest with my clients (and everyone else for that matter) and you don't know what my closing ratio is. You've made the *ass*umption that because I think a 20% close ratio on relatively inexpensive leads is a good deal, that my closing ratio is 20%. More importantly, you think a closing ratio is mostly a reflection on the agent and aren't giving enough credit for the way a lead is generated. If you closed 20% on YAL leads, you blame YAL, if you close 50% or more on the other leads, you think you should get the credit. The reality is that it's a combination of a well generated lead and a good salesman (or saleswoman) that creates a high closing ratio, not just one or the other. You're inability to understand that component of marketing is more of a reflection on you than it says anything about me.

Why all of the personal insults? Are you that upset that I'm pointing out that your closing ratio has a lot to do with the leads and not as much to do with you as you'd like to think? Apples to apples you're most likely not any better of a salesman than I am, you just seem to have little to no comprehension of what marketing means and that's why you're giving up 20%-30% and STILL paying for your leads.

You told YAL to "do the world a favor and kill yourselves". I think that, along with the other things you've said, speaks volumes about your character (or lack thereof).

Any chance you're going to back off the personal attacks and *ass*umptions?
I though in your 3,871st post you stated it was at 22.57%. But with all your posts it can be confusing.

As far as relying on somebody else; not realy a big concern of mine. With my money I can buy enough leads to keep me going, and if leads dry up I'll do something else. When I started selling FE I was lloking for a job and when I leave FE i'll start be looking again.

If that happens maybe you wil put in a good word for me at Taco Bell? Now that were best buds!
rizzle, would you indulge me and tell me how much cold calling you've done? Again, my best guess is that if this is your opinion of the leads, then you've not done any cold calling. I'm not meaning to be rude and most agents would share the same opinion about those leads, but again, that's a sign to me that they've never cold called and or most likely even worked lead cards and as such, it makes sense that they would be critical of such leads.

if you look at this lead as someone that wants or is interested in purchasing insurance then the expectation would not have been met. If the lead is looked at as someone that has agreed to receive only information then i can understand that you may have something to work with.

Question is how is this lead company marketing their product; as leads that are interested in purchasing/ looking for quotes or just agreeing to receive free information.

if the later then yeah i guess it would count as legit.. he said he didnt want any insurance and lady said this someone would contact you to just offer you free information, where he then agreed.
Medacare stated

"Apparently you don't do your own lead generation, which means you'll always be at the mercy of what someone else can do for you."

pretty safe assumption considering were talking about where I buy my leads, wouldn't ya think?

Medacare stated

"Apparently you don't do your own lead generation, which means you'll always be at the mercy of what someone else can do for you."

pretty safe assumption considering were talking about where I buy my leads, wouldn't ya think?


No, you're talking about buying leads, not how they're generated. If you were talking about how you trained your telemarketers or did your own telemarketing (or any other type of marketing) then sure, but all you're talking about is buying leads, not marketing.

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