YAL Lead...Wanna Hear What One Sounds Like?

i'm not sure the relevance of this inquiry in regards to the topic discussion?

However, on a side note., i do probably need a more viable list to work from than my current one.

The relevance is because you said:

sounds to me like you're describing what would be considered cold calling? no different than calling people up they say they don't need insurance or want to talk to anyone,,(which is what was disclosed here) now you need to convince them that they do. why should you pay a lead company $20 for them to give you that contact when the OP could just pick the name from the phone book with the same results????
F'n scam ass rip off what it is.

The point is that you said the OP could just pick the name from the phone book with the same results (which I think is the second time that argument has been made here) and I know a lot of agents *think* it's that easy.

The relevance is that it takes more work than most agents believe to generate a lead, even of that quality. I think if agents did some of their own cold calling before they purchased leads from YAL, they would have more of an appreciation for what they are. Again, I'm not saying they're as good as YAL claims them to be, but there certainly is more value there then just a few phone calls through the phone book would garner.

I wasn't joking about the offer, I'll happily send you the 100 records, just e-mail me what area you want and I'll send you an FE list. Of course if you want to buy more I'll happily sell them to you as well, but just e-mail (or PM) me about it and I'll get that out to you.
I can't believe all the posts over this one lead! For all who dislike YAL think of all the publicity and word of mouth they're getting on this forum. Even if it's negative, it get's people talking about them and curious.

If you want to punish them, just make your point and then don't mention them again.

MPS what 2 laws is he breaking by buying leads. I buy my leads too. Do I need to worry?

I'm just posting because I wanted to get my post count off 66. Unlucky number.
I can't believe all the posts over this one lead! For all who dislike YAL think of all the publicity and word of mouth they're getting on this forum. Even if it's negative, it get's people talking about them and curious.

If you want to punish them, just make your point and then don't mention them again.

MPS what 2 laws is he breaking by buying leads. I buy my leads too. Do I need to worry?

There's a LOT of emotion behind this, which is why I think it's getting os much attention.

As far as the legalities of your leads go, feel free to PM or e-mail me about them. I don't want to air the dirty details about the way those folks are doing things (or so I've been told by multiple folks), but they are blatantly ignoring some pretty serious laws.
aacard, it is not about 1 lead. It is about most of their leads. They beat up on merrill for bringing, this to the attention of the forum. Then TPAAgent bought some, and they were also bad, and he posted an example. Todd who was a supporter of YAL, and he stopped using them. The only one left defending them is Josh from medicare. By all means if you want to use them after reading this thread. Go ahead, and you can give us your feed back.
The point is that you said the OP could just pick the name from the phone book with the same results (which I think is the second time that argument has been made here) and I know a lot of agents *think* it's that easy.

in general it's not that easy, however, after hearing that audio not many would want to take that as a PAID lead as thinking the lead has any real interest in buying anything.. the guy could barely speak..
again,back to what YAL is selling the leads as "someone that is interested"?; didn't sound like the guy had interest to me besides saying 'NO' 2x.
aacard, it is not about 1 lead. It is about most of their leads. They beat up on merrill for bringing, this to the attention of the forum. Then TPAAgent bought some, and they were also bad, and he posted an example. Todd who was a supporter of YAL, and he stopped using them. The only one left defending them is Josh from medicare. By all means if you want to use them after reading this thread. Go ahead, and you can give us your feed back.

I didn't know they beat up on him for that since I didn't read the thread from the beginning so I can see why he's pissed.

As a rule I don't like telemarketed leads unless I hire the telemarketer for reasons I stated earlier. So I won't be using them.
It all started on another thread, TPPAgent started this thread, on the same subject. Showing what he recieved from them. Josh and Merrill continued having this pissing contest, on this thread