YAL Lead...Wanna Hear What One Sounds Like?

I do agree with your 1st paragraph. I constantly have to get on my agents to not cherry pick the leads But I still think direct mail leads are different than telemarketing. With direct mail the nature of them are like a box of chocolates as Forrest would say. You never know what you're gonna get. If I'm paying a telemarketer I have more control (or should) of the parameters I'm looking for.

No disagreement here.
It is the reaction or the non-reaction of YAL that has me, poking them. I feel they thumbed their nose at the forum.
Acording to some, we should be happy with 20%. i want to start a lead company. For every good 2 leads, i will open the phone book and pick 8 more. so on their vacation, after 2 good days. the next 8 will be like their leads.
I must have missed that email from YAL. MY 8 free leads were there all the time. All I had to do was open my phonebook!
I think the telemarketer did a good job on that call and think that with volume, the numbers play out

sounds to me like you're describing what would be considered cold calling? no different than calling people up they say they don't need insurance or want to talk to anyone,,(which is what was disclosed here) now you need to convince them that they do. why should you pay a lead company $20 for them to give you that contact when the OP could just pick the name from the phone book with the same results????
F'n scam ass rip off what it is.
sounds to me like you're describing what would be considered cold calling? no different than calling people up they say they don't need insurance or want to talk to anyone,,(which is what was disclosed here) now you need to convince them that they do. why should you pay a lead company $20 for them to give you that contact when the OP could just pick the name from the phone book with the same results????
F'n scam ass rip off what it is.

I guess there is no particularly polite way of putting this, but it sounds to me like you have no business in the FE market. Whether you're working lead cards or telemarketed leads you still have to work on convincing folks they have a need for life insurance most of the time.

I'll also take a moment to point out how annoying it is to here agents *claim* they could get the same results picking up the phone book when it's abundantly clear they've never done cold calling. The answer is you *don't* get the same results from cold calling vs using this type of a lead. These leads *are* filtering out the bs.

rizzle, would you indulge me and tell me how much cold calling you've done? Again, my best guess is that if this is your opinion of the leads, then you've not done any cold calling. I'm not meaning to be rude and most agents would share the same opinion about those leads, but again, that's a sign to me that they've never cold called and or most likely even worked lead cards and as such, it makes sense that they would be critical of such leads.

To go back to an earlier point, jdeasy probably writes more FE policies on here than anyone else and he said he wouldn't even ask for credit for the lead posted here. My best guess as to the reason why he writes as much FE as he does is because he knows how to work a lead and knows what a good lead is. If you'd like to disagree with a guy that writes around 300 FE apps/year then that's absolutely your right, but I think he's uniquely qualified to judge the quality of a lead.
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Acording to some, we should be happy with 20%. i want to start a lead company. For every good 2 leads, i will open the phone book and pick 8 more. so on their vacation, after 2 good days. the next 8 will be like their leads.

That's BS and you should know it. A 20% close ratio on leads that are $15-$22 each is a good deal and it's ridiculous to claim otherwise. Compare it to direct mail or internet leads.

Even at a 20% close ratio (which is lower than Todd's agents are averaging I might add, coming in at 30%), an agent would make more money working those leads than the leads nfl72 is working because he's giving away 20%-30% to his upline PLUS paying $15-$18/lead which makes his leads cost three to five times or more of what the YAL leads would cost.
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I havent done much cold calling at all and I don't sell FE but I am pretty sure that I can get at least ten people out of 100 cold calls to tell me they don't need insurance and to not come out. How hard is that? :)
I havent done much cold calling at all and I don't sell FE but I am pretty sure that I can get at least ten people out of 100 cold calls to tell me they don't need insurance and to not come out. How hard is that? :)

That's not the question though; the question is how many will give you a few pieces of personal information and let an insurance agent call them to set an appointment about selling life insurance.

I realize you're at least half joking (maybe all the way), but I think there are many agents that would agree with you and really don't understand what they're expecting a telemarketer to do. Telemarketing does work and there are agents that do quite well for themselves cold calling, but what they're asking an unlicensed person to do with zero experience selling life insurance is much more of a challenge than most agents are willing to give credit for it being and really don't know what good results are.
I actually did some cold calling yesterday off of the free 100 you gave me. I obviously procrastinated:). O dialed 42 of them and got 2 appointments. I would have no problem paying $25 for those appoinments, they knew why I was coming and what I was offering. Needless to say they didnt buy but they are definitely good prospects for the near future.

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