YAL Lead...Wanna Hear What One Sounds Like?

No he didnt.. listen again

What she said was.. "How about agent call you and share some free info with you and then you decide if its in your best interest"

No where in that call does he agree to have someone "come by"

It was her job to find out if he was intrested, not mine

I could call 50 phone book numbers and get 15 of them to agree to that

No you couldn't. If you called 100 folks using a targeted list you could probably get 2-3 to give you as much information as she got from the prospect.

How much cold calling have you done?
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Their system just saw that it fit the criteria and passed it on to you, this is comparable to knocking on doors and passing out flyers on the street if they continue to give you that kind of service. Have they generated good leads consistently before this?

According to nfl72 they have.
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No you couldn't. If you called 100 folks using a targeted list you could probably get 2-3 to give you as much information as she got from the prospect.

How much cold calling have you done?
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You ask to many questions

No one gives a sh*t about what you claim to have done or what you lie about doing

You're not the only one in the insurance business, and you certainly didnt create the market, when you begin to realize this the better you will understand just how big your f*ckin head is..

Get a grip sweetheart

Stop acting like you're the only one around here thats done anything mkay?

Pull the thong from yer ass

You no talky no more
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You ask to many questions

No one gives a sh*t about what you claim to have done or what you lie about doing

You're not the only one in the insurance business, and you certainly didnt create the market, when you begin to realize this the better you will understand just how big your f*ckin head is..

Get a grip sweetheart

Stop acting like you're the only one around here thats done anything mkay?

Pull the thong from yer ass

You no talky no more

A good salesman (or saleswoman) will ask a lot of questions. Asking a lot of questions also helps make for interesting conversation and helps encourage active listening, but I suppose the virtues of asking questions isn't really the point of this thread.

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that this hostility is coming mostly from my difference of opinion with you about your assessment of the quality of the leads you've received from YAL. I get the impression you came on here expecting to have every responder agree with you, but you're only further angered by the fact that there are a few of us that actually think you are devaluing the quality of the lead you thought was an example of a bad lead. I think you find that particularly upsetting because jdeasy, who probably writes more FE premium than anyone else on this board, shares my opinion about the lead you shared with us here, even adding that he wouldn't have asked for credit on the lead. I get that your upset, I get that you feel cheated and wronged, but I don't know that getting nasty with me will change anything about that.
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Now if your cold calling you'll run into that a lot but why are we paying another company big $ per lead for if not to weed out that bs?

A few things about that:

$15-$22/lead is not big $ per lead, that's cheaper than most direct mail leads.

Even at that, telemarketing companies do weed out a ton of stuff. The reality is that a good telemarketer won't always be a good judge of what's BS and what's not. Frankly, most insurance agents can't filter that out and end up not working leads right which costs them money BECAUSE they look at a lead or a house and make up their mind about what they think the quality of the lead is.

I don't get out in the field much anymore, but the last time I went out I worked 4 of these "crappy" leads (yes Ben, my telemarketers can generate them too (; ) I had 2 no shows, 2 sits, and 2 sales. Worked a total of 4 hours and wrote around $900 in premium (one of them was only around $240 in premium). Yup, those leads suck. You know what the best part is? I didn't have the calls recorded so I couldn't listen to them, but I'm sure the calls weren't much different than the one this thread started with. Yes, sometimes you call someone and it's the right person at the right time and they just saw the commercial on TV about life insurance when they got home from their friends funeral and they realize they need to do something, but more often than not the folks that are really making it happen with FE are working the same type of leads other agents would dismiss as a bad lead.
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Medicare stated

"Their system just saw that it fit the criteria and passed it on to you, this is comparable to knocking on doors and passing out flyers on the street if they continue to give you that kind of service. Have they generated good leads consistently before this?
According to nfl72 they have. "

Not entirely true.

If you read some of the old posts correctly they should state the following.

At one point in time about a year and a half ago they did provide me with decent leads. When they changed their payplan for the telemarketers from hourly to commission their leads took a big ****. After several months of consistantly bad leads I stopped using them.

I hadn't used them in over a year when they approaced me in August of this year with all kinds of claims on how great their leads had become. With the promise of 8 free leads to boot, I decided to give them another try.

I can honestly say that the last batch of leads I received from them had more bad leads than any order I have ever received from anybody over the past ten years.

Not exactly a ringing endorsement! If they had just replaced the obviously bad leads, as they had agreed to do when I placed the order, I wouldn't be posting on this forum. I would have just quietly gone away just like I had done the year before.
No he didnt.. listen again

What she said was.. "How about agent call you and share some free info with you and then you decide if its in your best interest"

No where in that call does he agree to have someone "come by"

It was her job to find out if he was intrested, not mine

I could call 50 phone book numbers and get 15 of them to agree to that

maybe I listened to the wrong one then. The one I heard was the lady asked him if mon or tues was good and he said "OK".

If a person says "OK" to me on the phone for information, I'm going by there.

I'm probably missing something in this argument as I don't have a dog in this fight. I'm just saying I have paid much more for leads in the past that were much worse than that one.

Now, if that doesn't fit the parameters of what they claim to be selling, then a credit should be issued without hesitation.

I get my leads from EFES on Sat. There was one in there last Sat. that was a PO box address and no phone number. I sent an email to my upline on Sat morning. I have been out of town for 4 days and just got back last night. I was already credited for that lead when I got back. That's how it should work when the lead is not what you have agreed to purchase.
What is their refund policy? Are there certain kinds of leads that they do refund your money on?

What were you told about these leads to start with?
Goodness .. just go knock on some doors ... running this business can't be that pathetic ... I feel sick in my stomach. :no:
What is their refund policy? Are there certain kinds of leads that they do refund your money on?

What were you told about these leads to start with?

Here is their policy about this particular lead where they guy said he didn't need insurance and there was no need for the agent to contact him....

2. Will know that you will be contacting them back about life insurance, (using your name) **and they agree to be willing to accept your call about insurance

**Occasionally consumers will say that they only said this to get the marketer off the phone.We are recording both ends of our calls and you will receive the end in which they agree to allow you to call them. If a consumer tells you this after they agreed to allow you to call them there is no credit available. This is a standard occurrence when purchasing introductions of this kind. If you find it happening too much, you should check your own opening to be sure that it is appropriate for getting conversations started.)

The guy obviously said "NO" to this, but the telemarketed insisted that the agent had some "free information". Life insurance, the last time I checked, is not "free". He did not agree to be contacted about life insurance, but did end up agreeing to be contacted about some "free" stuff.

I do think the agent should have tried his best to work this lead since he had it in his hands. But I also think that YAL should have replaced this lead by their own criteria. They don't replace anything you send back to them; nothing that I've seen anyway.

Guys, you have to understand that nfl and tpa are just two agents. I've gotten many more complaints from other various agents. Most of the complaints were based on either lack of service or just plain slow service. Either way, their service from what I see, is terrible. This is why I decided not to use them anymore. It really wasn't based on the quality of the lead as I know you'll never get 100% great leads with any company. It's just the nature of the beast.

The straw that broke the camel's back for me is when I was told they were going to start "dumbing up" the script even more! Like taking out the checking/savings account question. The reason I was told they were going to do this is because their income criteria was set at a minimum of $20K. Well, we all know that the criteria the lead company sees on their list of available candidates is not always accurate.

I understand that many agents paying for leads are expecting near lay-downs. You'll always hear some agents complain about leads no matter what. Once again, nature of the beast. All the leads should be attempted to be worked, no matter what. Why not? You've got them in your hands; try to make the most of it. You never know until you try.

The back and forth banter here about the quality of the leads, whether they should be credited or not, the price of the leads, ROI, etc., is all based on opinions and experience. It's starting to be a huge waste of time!

If you want to give YAL a shot, then order some leads! If you don't feel they are a company you want to use, then don't!

Based on my experience, I choose to use someone else. YMMV!
A good salesman (or saleswoman) will ask a lot of questions. Asking a lot of questions also helps make for interesting conversation and helps encourage active listening, but I suppose the virtues of asking questions isn't really the point of this thread.

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that this hostility is coming mostly from my difference of opinion with you about your assessment of the quality of the leads you've received from YAL. I get the impression you came on here expecting to have every responder agree with you, but you're only further angered by the fact that there are a few of us that actually think you are devaluing the quality of the lead you thought was an example of a bad lead. I think you find that particularly upsetting because jdeasy, who probably writes more FE premium than anyone else on this board, shares my opinion about the lead you shared with us here, even adding that he wouldn't have asked for credit on the lead. I get that your upset, I get that you feel cheated and wronged, but I don't know that getting nasty with me will change anything about that.
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A few things about that:

$15-$22/lead is not big $ per lead, that's cheaper than most direct mail leads.

Even at that, telemarketing companies do weed out a ton of stuff. The reality is that a good telemarketer won't always be a good judge of what's BS and what's not. Frankly, most insurance agents can't filter that out and end up not working leads right which costs them money BECAUSE they look at a lead or a house and make up their mind about what they think the quality of the lead is.

I don't get out in the field much anymore, but the last time I went out I worked 4 of these "crappy" leads (yes Ben, my telemarketers can generate them too (; ) I had 2 no shows, 2 sits, and 2 sales. Worked a total of 4 hours and wrote around $900 in premium (one of them was only around $240 in premium). Yup, those leads suck. You know what the best part is? I didn't have the calls recorded so I couldn't listen to them, but I'm sure the calls weren't much different than the one this thread started with. Yes, sometimes you call someone and it's the right person at the right time and they just saw the commercial on TV about life insurance when they got home from their friends funeral and they realize they need to do something, but more often than not the folks that are really making it happen with FE are working the same type of leads other agents would dismiss as a bad lead.

I do agree with your 1st paragraph. I constantly have to get on my agents to not cherry pick the leads But I still think direct mail leads are different than telemarketing. With direct mail the nature of them are like a box of chocolates as Forrest would say. You never know what you're gonna get. If I'm paying a telemarketer I have more control (or should) of the parameters I'm looking for.