YAL - Round 2

Wow!! I'm so sorry I ever got mixed up with YAL!!

I want to formally apologize to any of my agents that used them by my recommendation.

Please don't sue me! ;)

Too bad you didn't apologize before I filed suit against you.

While I didn't use YAL, I figure you'll settle to avoid flying to CA to go to court.

John accused me of the same thing; "selling off leads"? what does that even mean? does he think we can sell his leads for money?

After all the bashing YAL has received from countless other agents who have paid good money for there mostly bougus leads, does he actually think we can sell them!

I am gonna donate mine to charity. I hope they go to a deserving home. But on second thought LH agents might like them.

huh? Say what? Can anyone be serious? Is there a reputable lead source company out there that any agents are using?

I use a reputable telemarketing company for my agents. The leads are normally $35 per, but my agents get them for $24. You can give me a call if you like and I'll share the info with you.